Based on an existing driver (OPC DataHub/Gamma scripting), which is used to connect to building networks (KNX, BACnet, etc.) and building management systems (BMS) using OPC DA, an open-source alternative should be implemented using Java. Access to building systems is possible by using the open-source OPC DA client JEasyOPC. In addition, building information should be imported using JDBC compatible databases and files. A simple user interface should be implemented on top. The driver is an essential component of the open-source building monitoring toolkit "MOST".
Benefit for the Student
The student will get hands-on experience with technologies used in building automation. Based on the existing code and concepts, a fast learning curve is likely.
Benefit for the Project
Providing a fully open-source connector to MOST, future vendor independency is enhanced and porting to other building network technologies is simplified.
Skills in Java are essential. Expierence with JDBC, UI design with Java and OPC DA (JEasyOPC) is welcome.
Either give the IRC channel a try, or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (first subscribe here) using the prefix [MOST].