The IoTSyS gateway provides an OBIX Web service interface to access heterogeneous building automation technologies and smart meters (e.g. KNX, BACnet, ZigBee, Wireless M-Bus, and EnOcean). The gateway provides a Web service protocol binding to SOAP as well as RESTful HTTP and CoAP Web service endpoints. Within this project, the IoTSyS integration middleware should be extended by a RESTful BACnet/WS Web service interface in accordance with the addendum to ASHRAE BACnet standard. First, the BACnet/WS object model has to be implemented as Java library comparable to the OBIX Java Toolkit. Moreover, a BACnet/WS gateway component makes use of this library and implements the BACnet/WS functionality. Finally, the IoTSyS project is equipped with both an (already existing) OBIX Web service interface and a (new) BACnet/WS Web service interface to serve different kinds of Web clients.
Benefit for the Student
Dive into latest technologies and emerging protocols for the Internet of Things/Web of Things. Gain hands-on experience in Java-based software development.
Benefit for the Project
As BACnet/WS becomes more prevalent in this field of application, integration into the IoTSyS framework is beneficial in order to provide services to a wider range of potential clients.
Strong skills in Java-based software development are required.
Andreas Fernbach, Daniel Schachinger
More information (BACnet/WS) (OBIX Java Toolkit)