
Spatial Technologies Inc., Boulder, Colorado.

This limitation of SUPREM-derived exchange formats was discussed in Section 3.1.1

C++ is discussed in more detail in Section 5.6

Due to lack of simulators written in C++, there is presently no strong need for a C++ language interface. However, the object-oriented design of the VISTA data level procedural interface allows C++ bindings to be added without big effort

The PAI compression layer uses a modified Lempel-Ziv-Welch [Nels89] algorithm, which achieves a compression of the file to typically 30% of its original size

The VMS operating system provides the MMS utility for managing software build processes

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

A detailed description of VMAKE will be part of another monograph

The uncompressed database is 244 kB in size.

Without compression, the PIF binary file would be 22.8 MB in size.

provided the class hierarchy is designed carefully!

This is a sophisticated example of code production using VOOPS and UNFUG simultaneously.

Since element-wise (or point-wise) reading and writing of tensor product and point cloud grids is seldomly needed, this has not been implemented. These grids are read and written as a whole with just one function call.

This is needed, for example, to specify boundary conditions of a three-dimensional device, which lie on a two-dimensional tensor product.

Of course, PIF is also able to store non-geometric point lists with non-spatial axis units and more than three axes.

Although all three nodes of a triangle have to be accessed for the inclusion test, these three points are still a constant number compared to grid points, hence the notation

While new MINIMOS versions are directly integrated into the VISTA framework, versions developed before VISTA was available are integrated through a wrapper approach.

because of the three concentration attributes for boron, phosphorus and arsenic

This is an idealization, since even in a reverse-biased junction a backward current occurs, but otherwise the current density equations would have to be solved too.

``Floating regions'' (i.e. uncontacted semiconductor segments) are still a matter of investigation today.

When considering complicated nonlinear problems, however,the input deck may need to be manipulated by hand in order to use simulator-specific features. Although this is not desirable in a TCAD framework at all, there is neither a central input deck manipulation framework service available, nor a general concept for the handling of logical and physical input parameters of TCAD tools see Section 2.3 currently

The task level code consists of more than 1000 lines of LISP code, where roughly 500 lines make up the actual user interface code, 200 lines the input deck parser, and another 400 lines the code converting old-style input data files to PIF binary files

An ASCII PIF file is automatically translated into a PIF binary file through invoking the PIF binary file manager.

TIF understands only triangular grids with three nodes per element

besides the fact that those formats are only able to store one process step at most

The intertool PIF does NOT have a LISP syntax. In contrast, it provides an optimized, fast, and problem-oriented format which uses LISP-like syntax only for visualization and better understanding.

<(discard-line)> is the internal UNFUG function; the two other comment functions are just aliases to this function for convenience

Martin Stiftinger
Tue Nov 29 19:41:50 MET 1994