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``Herr des Umbruchs! Kenner der Höhen und Tiefen des Satzspiegels!
Meister der neuen Seite, Hochmögender des Initials und Beherrscher der
großen und kleinen Cäsur! Grundgütiger Vater!''
(Opening of a letter from FRIEDRICH TORBERG to JUSTINIAN FRISCH,
12. Nov. 1947 [Torb82])
The following typefaces are used throughout this document to denote a certain
property of the term printed in that specific typeface.
- Sans Serif
- denotes a term or abbreviation widely known in
computer science or microelectronics engineering. In a BNF syntax it
denotes a string, number, or symbol (i.e. an attributed) terminal token of the
specific grammar.
- denotes a proper name, either of a human or of a
software product or module.
- Courier
- denotes any syntactic term or symbol of computer
input or output, e.g. computer language tokens. In a BNF syntax it is used
to represent a keyword or delimiter terminal token of the specific grammar.
- Italics
- denotes a newly introduced or important term in the
text, or - in a computer language context - a variable or expression to be
substituted. In a BNF syntax it denotes non-terminals.
Martin Stiftinger
Tue Nov 29 19:41:50 MET 1994