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List of Symbols

$ \Delta$t ...a time step
$ \Delta$x ...a grid point difference
$ \beta_{n}^{}$, $ \beta_{p}^{}$, $ \beta_{\nu }^{}$ ...electron, hole, and general exponents in mobility models
$ \delta$ ...damping control parameter
$ \varepsilon$ ...dielectric constant
$ \varepsilon_{\mathrm{r}}^{\mathrm{}}$ ...relative dielectric constant
$ \kappa_{L}^{}$ ...lattice heat capacity
$ \kappa_{n}^{}$$ \kappa_{p}^{}$ ...thermal conductivity of electron and hole gas
$ \mu_{\nu}^{}$ ...mobility of carrier type $ \nu$
$ \mu^{\mathrm{L}}_{\nu}$ ...mobility due to lattice scattering
$ \mu^{\mathrm{LI}}_{\nu}$ ...mobility due to lattice and impurity scattering
$ \mu^{\mathrm{LIS}}_{\nu}$ ...mobility due to lattice, impurity, and surface scattering
$ \mu^{\mathrm{LISF}}_{\nu}$ ...mobility including lattice, impurity, surface scattering, and high-field reduction
$ \mu^{\mathrm{LIST}}_{\nu}$ ...mobility including lattice, impurity, surface scattering, and high-temperature reduction
$ \mu_{n}^{}$, $ \mu_{p}^{}$ ...electron and hole mobilities
$ \rho_{L}^{}$ ...lattice mass density
$ \tau_{\epsilon,n}^{}$ $ \tau_{\epsilon,p}^{}$ $ \tau_{\epsilon,\nu}^{}$ relaxation times for electrons, holes, and general carrier type
$ \varphi$ ...node voltage for mixed-mode simulation
$ \varphi_{C}^{}$ ...node voltage for mixed-mode simulation applied to a contact
$ \varphi_{n}^{}$, $ \varphi_{p}^{}$ ...quasi-Fermi potentials for electrons and holes
$ \psi_{C}^{}$ potential for mixed-mode simulation
$ \psi$ ...electrostatic potential
$ \psi_{\mathrm{bi}}^{}$ ...Built-In potential
C doping concentration
E ...local electric field
Eb ...local band edge energy for electrons or holes
EC ...local band edge energy for electrons
Eg ...bandgap energy
Ei ...intrinsic Fermi level
EV ...local band edge energy for holes
Fn, Fp ...driving force for electrons and holes
Ibi, j ...electron or hole current between the grid points i and j
Jn, Jp ...electron and hole current densities
NC ...effective density of states for electrons
NC, 0 ...effective density of states for electrons evaluated at reference temperature T0
Ni ...concentration of the i-th active dopand
NT impurity concentration
NV ...effective density of states for holes
NV, 0 ...effective density of states for holes evaluated at reference temperature T0
R recombination rate
RAU ...Auger recombination rate
RBB to band tunneling recombination rate
RII ...impact ionization recombination rate
Ri recombination rate of the i-th box
RSRH ...SRH net recombination rate
RT ...thermal resistance
Sn, Sp ...electron and hole heat flux density
SL ...lattice heat flux density
TC temperature
TL ...local lattice temperature
Tn, Tp ...electron and hole temperatures
VT ...thermal voltage for a certain lattice temperature
Vi ...the box volume of the i-th box
cL ...specific lattice heat capacity
d ...damping parameter
fx ...vector function of the equation system
h ...Planck constant
$ \hbar$ ...reduced Planck constant
kB ...Boltzmann constant
mn, p ...absolute electron and hole mass
mn, p * ...effective electron and hole mass
n ...electron concentration
p ...hole concentration
q ...elementary charge
ux ...update vector of the equation system
vn, 300, vp, 300 ...thermal electron and hole velocities at 300 K
x ...solution vector of the equation system
x* approach to the solution vector of the equation system
yref ...surface reference distance

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Tibor Grasser