A.5.4 Full Names

The function fullname() can be used to extract the full name of a specified variable, e.g.,

a     = 1;
aName = fullname(a);            // -> "~a"
{  b     = 2;
   bName = fullname(b);         // -> "~Section28.b"
   {  c     = 3;
      cName = fullname(c);      // -> "~Section28.Section28Sub.c"

If a variable is passed on to another section, the full name of the variable depends on its location (the section it is located in), e.g.,

{  a = 1;
   b = fullname(a);
Section30 : Section29;

name1 = Section29.b;            // -> "~Section29.a"
name2 = Section30.b;            // -> "~Section30.a"

Robert Klima 2003-02-06