- June
14, 1969
Born in Vienna, Austria.
Son of Dieta and Ing. Hans Klima.
- June 1988
Graduation at Höhere Technische Lehranstalt Wien 20 (TGM)
for mechanical engineering (with honors).
- July 1988 - February 1989
Military service.
- April 1989 - September 1989
CAD engineer.
- October 1989
Enrolled in Electrical Engineering
at Vienna University of Technology.
- Since April 1997
Lecturer for programming languages at the adult education institute Wifi Wien.
- October 1997
Received degree of ``Diplomingenieur'' in Electrical Engineering
from Vienna University of Technology (with honors).
- October 1997
Entered doctoral program at the
Institute for Microelectronics, Vienna University of Technology.
- Since August 1998
Assistant Professor at the Institute for Microelectronics,
Vienna University of Technology.
- September
18, 1998
Marriage with Sabine in Purkersdorf.
- January
18, 2000
Birth of daughter Elisabeth in Vienna.
- August
13, 2001
Birth of son Bernhard in Vienna.
Robert Klima