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2.1.2 Poisson Equation

By definition the potential $ V$ fulfills

$\displaystyle {\mathbf{E}} = -\nabla V   .$ (2.7)

By Maxwell's equations we have

$\displaystyle {\mathbf{D}} = \varepsilon \varepsilon_0 {\mathbf{E}}   .$ (2.8)


$\displaystyle \nabla \cdot {\mathbf{D}}= \rho   .$ (2.9)

Here $ \varepsilon_0$ is the electrical permittivity of free space and the dimensionless dielectric constant $ \varepsilon$ is a material dependent parameter. In our case the charge density $ \rho$ is given by

$\displaystyle \rho = q(M_0 - C)   ,$ (2.10)

with $ q$ the (negative) elementary charge, $ M_0$ the zeroth moment, that is, the particle density, and $ C$ the net doping.

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