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The following moments correspond to physical observables which play an important role in device physics and are introduced here for a reference.

Definition of the carrier density:

$\displaystyle n = M_0$ (2.27)

Definition of the current density:

$\displaystyle J = q M_1$ (2.28)

Here $ q$ denotes the carrier charge (negative for electrons).

Definition of temperature and energy: We have

$\displaystyle E = \frac{3}{2} k_{\mathrm{B}} T = \frac{m^*}{2} \frac{M_2}{n}   ,$ (2.29)

which gives

$\displaystyle T = \frac{2}{3} \frac{m^*}{2} \frac{M_2}{k_{\mathrm{B}} M_0}   .$ (2.30)

Physical equivalents to other moments can be found in [Gri02].

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