previous up next contents Previous: Schrödinger: Transparent BCs Up: 7.1.2 Absorbing Boundary Conditions Next: 7.1.3 Comparison: Schrödinger, Riccati Riccati and Prüfer: Dirichlet BCs

The boundary conditions given by 7.5 translate to

$\displaystyle z'(0) + \imath k$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \frac{2 \imath k}{e^z(0)}   ,$ (7.6)
$\displaystyle z'(L)$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \imath \sqrt{k^2 - 2 m^{*} V_L / \hbar^2}   .$ (7.7)

If we set $ z' = u$ we get (with constant mass in the electrodes)

$\displaystyle u'(x) + {u(x)}^2 = 2 (V(x) - E) \frac{m^*}{\hbar^2}$ (7.8)

with the Dirichlet boundary condition

$\displaystyle u(L) = \sqrt{k^2 - 2 m^{*} V_L / \hbar^2}   .$ (7.9)

Solving Equation 7.8 fixes $ z'$. The value of $ z$ is fixed up to an additive constant $ c$, which is then determined by the second boundary condition. For the Prüfer Equation 6.39 we get the Dirichlet boundary condition

$\displaystyle \alpha(L) = \arctan(\sqrt{k^2 - 2 m^{*} V_L / \hbar^2})$ (7.10)

We stress that with inflow boundary conditions the wave function $ \psi$ cannot have nodes, hence in this case the Riccati equation has an everywhere defined solution. The main advantage with respect to the Schrödinger equation is that it is a (nonlinear) first order equation with a Dirichlet boundary condition.

We have implemented both the Prüfer and the Riccati equation as an alternative to the Schrödinger equation. The results are reviewed in the next section.

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R. Kosik: Numerical Challenges on the Road to NanoTCAD