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2.3.3 Model Instances
Model class instances which can be evaluated on the purpose to
compute the results of a certain algorithm can be generated in three
distinct ways:
- traditional: The traditional way of instantiating a Model
class like ordinary C++ classes offers the least functionality. Its
main restriction is that it works only with classes defined in C++.
The only way in which such Model instances can be accessed by
MDL expressions is by using their automatically generated instance
name to access their interface parameters or MDL methods.
- new by class name: The Algorithm Library provides the possibility of
instantiation Model and Parameter classes by using their
respective MDL class type. The according Algorithm Library functions return a
C++ pointer to the parent class AnyParameter in case of
parameter instantiations, or to the virtual/primary Model parent
class of a model instantiation.
- instance name: The third method of instantiating Model
classes is to request a pointer to the virtual/primary Model parent
class with a certain instance name. The actual class type of this model
instance is determined at runtime by using either the
mdlDefineDefaultInstance function of the Algorithm Library within the
application, or by using the Instance MDL command
(Section 3.3).
The polymorphic Model pointer resulting from instantiating a
Model class by using either its class name or its instance name may
represent Model classes of two different ``flavors''. The first
possibility is that the pointer references a Model object defined in
C++. In this case the pointer can safely be casted using the standard
C++ runtime type identification and dynamic cast mechanism. The second
possibility is that the pointer references a Model class defined by
using the MDL interpreter.
Both instantiation methods provide the possibility of checking whether the
generated Model instance is a Model of a specific MDL class
type or derived from a certain required MDL class type. Thus the
inheritance tree formed by the Model definitions
(Fig. 2.4) is used to classify the various Model
classes and is used by the Algorithm Library to check that instantiated Model
objects fulfill the type requirements for the accompanying interface of the
Model instance.
Next: 2.3.4 Interface Structure
Up: 2.3 Structures of the
Previous: 2.3.2 Model Structure
Robert Mlekus