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3.1.2 MDL Files
An MDL input deck consists of a sequence of any number of the following
syntactical entities:
- comments as described in Section 3.1.3
- #include statements as described in Section 3.1.5
- MDL commands which are processed ``in place'' before the parsing
process of the input deck continues
- definitions of global Parameters as described in
- MDL commands for immediately instantiating, and evaluating MDL
classes described in Section 3.7
- MDL commands to compile and dynamically load MDL
extension libraries with MDL classes. (Section 3.1.6)
- MDL prefix definitions as described in Section 3.6
- MDL definitions which do not come to effect until an according MDL class
instance is requested by the application or a subsequent MDL command
- MDL class definitions as described in Section 3.2
- default value definitions as described in Section 3.4
- instance definitions as described in Section 3.3
- linkage definitions for model instances (Section 3.5)
Robert Mlekus