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Up: 4.5.3 PROMIS-NT Model Classes
Previous: 4.5.3 PROMIS-NT Model Classes General Setup
The Model used for generating the PromisNTSetup instance is
derived from the base class PromisNTSetupModel. After invoking its
evaluate method PROMIS-NT uses the resulting interface parameter
values as the central information source for the subsequent simulation
These Parameters can be classified by their functional affiliation
into parameters for the
- specification of input and output files,
- control of the transient simulation flow,
- selection of the process temperature model,
- control of the solver algorithm,
- quantity definition,
- simulation grid setup,
- initialization and post processing of quantities,
- and the setup of segment and boundary diffusion models.
Some details are listed within the following paragraphs according to this
Robert Mlekus