5.1.1 Lattice Constant, Thermal Expansion, and Mass Density

Lattice constants for both PbTe and SnTe crystallized in the rock salt structure at $ 300\,\ensuremath{\mathrm{K}}$ are collected in Table 5.1. Their temperature dependence is expressed by the thermal expansion coefficient, which is rather large compared to other semiconductors. For lead telluride, values of $ 1.98\times10^{-5}\,\ensuremath{\mathrm{K}}^{-1}$ [192] and $ 2.04\times10^{-5}\,\ensuremath{\mathrm{K}}^{-1}$ [193] were reported, while the values are significantly smaller at very low temperatures [192]. A good approximation for the thermal expansion coefficient for PbTe and SnTe above $ 250\,\ensuremath{\mathrm{K}}$ is $ 2\times10^{-5}\,\ensuremath{\mathrm{K}}^{-1}$ [191].

Table 5.1: Lattice constants for PbTe and SnTe in the rock-salt crystal structure at 300K.
PbTe SnTe
$ a\,[\ensuremath{\mathrm{\AA}}]$ Ref. $ a\,[\ensuremath{\mathrm{\AA}}]$ Ref.
6.462 [194] 6.327 [188]
6.443 [190] 6.303 [190]

Reported mass densities for PbTe and SnTe at room temperature are collected in Table 5.2.

The mass density for alloys can be interpolated linearly between the ones of the constituents

$\displaystyle \rho^{\ensuremath{\mathrm{AB}}} = (1-x) \rho^{\ensuremath{\mathrm{A}}} + x \rho^{\ensuremath{\mathrm{B}}}$ (5.1)

with $ 1-x$ and $ x$ as the PbTe and SnTe content, respectively.

Table 5.2: Mass densities for PbTe and SnTe at 300K.
PbTe SnTe
$ \rho\,[\ensuremath{\mathrm{kg m^{-3}}}]$ Ref. $ \rho\,[\ensuremath{\mathrm{kg m^{-3}}}]$ Ref.
8160 [188] 6410 [195]
8219 [196] 6383 [196]
8241 [193] 6454 [197]

M. Wagner: Simulation of Thermoelectric Devices