The second area addresses the diffusion module. From the modeling point of view a model for phosphorus diffusion at high concentrations including precipitation kinetics is needed. Till now experimental data obtained from Yoshida [Yos74] are not consistently reproduced. Additionally, models for recently established materials like silicides are of considerable interest.
The data management of process model parameters becomes increasingly
important. Within this work we presented the first attempt to store
parameters in VISTA's Material Data
Base. However, the hierarchical structure of this data base might not be
generic enough for the requirements arising with process data. Therefore, it
is necessary to develop a model and data server, which should manage all
process models and modeling data.
At present the diffusion module cannot handle moving boundaries as given
during an oxidation process. Normally, the gridding problem
limits the applicability of oxidation programs, because after each
transient time step regridding of the simulation domain is required. As
efficient grid generator programs are incorporated into the diffusion
module, it would offer manifold fields of activities to implement the
simulation of the oxidation process. This module should be
to calculate the oxide growth simultaneously with dopant diffusion including
oxidation induced defects.