Among the many colleagues and friends from whose learning this project has benefitted, I wish to
single out:
First of all Prof. Dr.techn. Siegfried Selberherr, who accepted me to the Institut
für Mikroelektronik (IuE) at Technische Universität Wien and was a strict, determined, but also
very patient supervisor. Leading the globally oriented Institute he was 24 hours a day available
for the concerns of his co-workers. He set high standards offering learning, counsel, and
encouragement that have been indispensable to the completion of this work.
Prof. Dr.techn. Erich Gornik for his participation in the examination committee on short
Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Günther Weimann, the Head of the Fraunhofer Institut für angewandte Festkör-perphysik (IAF), for offering me prospects, assistance, good will, and the believe in the usefulness and future of this work. Michael Schlechtweg for the belief and patience in this development issue in a critical time, and for his advice and graciousness in general. I owe a very special thanks to Prof.Dr. Karl Hess, who was a very patient, gentle, and of course one of the most competent advisors possible in the complicated area of high field transport, especially during my stay at the Beckman Institute at the University of Illinois/Urbana Champaign (UIUC).
The colleagues at IuE, especially: my dear friend Dr.techn. Vassil Palankovski for innumerable discussions, ideas, and invaluable counsel over some 1000 km of distance via the world wide web. Testing our limits, we spent uncounted hours as virtual roommates sharing a lot more than work. Dr.techn. Klaus Dragosits for his very spirited special humor, the continuous critical analysis of the state of the Austrian-German relations and for thorough proofreading. Dr.techn. Tibor Grasser for his careful and controlled programming, which was a profound and reliable base for the investigations performed. Prof. Dr.techn. Hans Kosina for his gentle and extremely competent advice on semiconductor transport.
The colleagues at IAF, especially: Hermann Massler for his friendly advice with regard to the world of RF measurement systems and for teaching his non corruptible evaluation of measurement data. Ralf Reuter, now with Motorola/Berlin, for proofreading, for his innovative advice into C programming, his encouragement and teaching, and, last but not least, for his never ending good mood in all situations. Michael Kuri for his good humored reactions and support in all situations. Dr.techn. Suitbert Ramberger, and Alexandre Bessomoulin, now with UMS/Orsailles, for the good cooperation on the development of High Power Amplifiers. Axel Tessmann and Steffen Kudszus, now at BigBear Networks/CA, for the excellent working atmosphere and for their very good mood and continuous encouragement during my time at IAF. Yolanda Campos-Roca, now at Universidad de Caceres, and Waldemar Marsetz, now at Infineon Technologies, for encouragement, especially ''en los fines de semana''. Hartfried Greschbach for the excellent technical support, especially during the establishment of the load-pull system and Markus Riesle for mounting a large number of transistor samples. Thomas Merkle for critical discussions on issues on linearity. Prof. Frauke Steinhagen, now at Berufsakademie Lörrach, for introducing me into thermal simulation software. Dr.rer.nat. Arnulf Leuther for the non-complicated and competent co-operation between departments. Axel Hülsmann for critical discussions. Hildegard Brucher for her endless good mood in all kinds of situation. Tom Binder, representative of the IuE, and Jörg Seibel, representative of the IAF, for the excellent state of the simulation hardware and software environments both at IuE and at IAF.
Dr.phil. Walter Kellner from Infineon Technologies for the implementation of my position and his gentle organization of the relations between the IAF and Siemens AG/Infineon Technologies with all its implications. Dr.rer.nat. Thomas Grave at Infineon Technologies, whom I owe a very trustworthy insight into the needs and problems of industrial device and process development, and for his confidence and his time he spent listening in the hectic process development in industry. Markus Demmler and Andreas Werthof at Infineon Technologies for their co-operation. For financial support I would like to acknowledge the Ernst von Siemens scholarship by Siemens Nachwuchsförderung- Erlangen/München. The dedicatees, knowing me as they do, will understand why their names do not appear here.