In the first picture, the starting geometry is visualized. The boundary of this geometry is used as the initial front, drawn in green. Using this front, new volumetric elements are constructed iteratively on the inside and the front is updated (picture two to picture four). Picture five shows the mesh after several of steps and the final mesh is shown in picture six. |
The first picture visualizes the starting geometry. At first, only the vertices of the geometry are considered (picture two) and a triangulation of these vertices is created as shown in picture three. Flip operations and vertex insertions are used to make every simplex of the triangulation Delaunay. To ensure geometry-conformity, additional constraints from the PLC are inserted into the final mesh, again using flipping or splitting operations (cf. Section 3.2). Triangles which are outside of the geometry are removed. The final constrained Delaunay mesh is visualized in picture four. |
The starting geometry is visualized in the first picture. At first, a regular square grid is laid over the geometry (picture two). Square grid cells which do not intersect the geometry boundary can trivially be decomposed into triangles. For all other square grid cells, a triangulation has to be found which respects the boundary (picture three). In contrast, a quadtree algorithm would recursively refine square grid cells which intersect with the geometry boundary, until the intersection is simple enough to construct a valid triangulation for that square grid cell. Elements near the geometry boundary in the final mesh have bad quality (picture four). |
florian 2016-11-21