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The code management mode can by used to update, compare and insert files
from/to a common code repository based on CVS[Gru92, Ced93]. This is
one of the CASE functionalities of VMake. This mode is activated by
the following command line options:
- checkCVS compare the sources with the repository
state. No changes are put back to the repository but all modified files and
files which should be added or removed to/from the repository are listed.
- commitCVS allows to update the repository from the local
modified version by committing the changes. Files which are new and needed
for building the project are automatically added to the repository. The user
has to write a one line description for every new file. For modified files a
multi line comment about the changes has to be given. The comment must be
terminated with the system dependent EOF character. This is and
underUNIX and
and VMS. If the comment is
missing, VMake terminates with an error condition if the command line
option noexit is not used. The return value will reflect the
error. It may be a dangerous to leave the repository in an inconsistent
state and this should be immediately corrected. Files are only removed from
the repository if the command line option removeCVS is given
additionally. Again a comment must be specified why the file is no longer
required in the project.
- updateCVS updates the local sources from the repository and
shows a list of all local modified files. For files with an update conflict due
to changes of the same source code part locally and in the repository
VMake will issue an warning. The conflicting section is marked by CVS
in the source code file for later merging by the developer.
The interface to a common source code repository is very useful because
VMake is able to check for the presence of all required file. VMake
definitely prevents the user from checking in an incomplete project. This
consistent state of the common code repository is also important for
automatic testing through a special users account. This user can be used to
build the last version of the common repository to check for inconsistences.
Next: 7.3 Release and Patch
Up: 7 Modes of VMake
Previous: 7.1.3 Interactive Operation
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Fri Jan 3 17:00:13 MET 1997