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3.5.5 $ D_{2h}$ symmetry

Figure 3.10: Irreducible wedge of the first BZ of a diamond structure stressed along direction [110].
\includegraphics[scale=1.0, clip]{inkscape/bz110_colored.eps}

The Bravais cube of the crystal class $ O_h$ can be converted to a parallelepiped of the orthorhombic system belonging to $ D_{2h}$ in two ways [Bir74]:

  1. Dilatation or compression along two of the three fourfold axes $ {\ensuremath{\mathitbf{e}}}_i$. This results in a right parallelepiped with rectangular faces (cuboid). Of the five twofold axes $ {\ensuremath{\mathitbf{e}}}_i$ and $ {\ensuremath{\mathitbf{e}}}_s$ of $ D_{4h}$, only the three $ {\ensuremath{\mathitbf{e}}}_i$ along the edges of the parallelepiped remain. This symmetry reduction can be achieved by applying stress of different magnitude along two of the three equivalent $ \langle
100 \rangle$ directions, simultaneously. In this case, the strain tensor is given by $ {\ensuremath{\varepsilon_{11}}} \neq {\ensuremath{\varepsilon_{22}}} \neq {\ensuremath{\varepsilon_{33}}}$ and contains vanishing off-diagonal components.
  2. The deformation originates from shearing the unit cube, thus altering the angles between the basis vectors. The result is a rectangular parallelepiped with rhombic base, which is also invariant under $ D_{2h}$. Of the original five twofold axes $ {\ensuremath{\mathitbf{e}}}_i$ and $ {\ensuremath{\mathitbf{e}}}_s$ only two (diagonals of the base) remain. This type of lattice results, when uniaxial stress is applied along $ \langle110\rangle$ or from biaxial strain in a {110} plane. The strain tensor has the form

    $\displaystyle \ensuremath{{\underaccent{\bar}{\varepsilon}}} = \begin{pmatrix}{...
...varepsilon_{11}}} & 0\\ 0 & 0 & {\ensuremath{\varepsilon_{33}}}\end{pmatrix}\ ,$ (3.44)

    where the components of the strain tensor can be related to stress according to (3.18).

This group has only eight symmetry elements (given in Table 3.2). The irreducible wedge with a volume of $ \Omega_{\mathrm{BZ}}/8$ can be mapped onto six wedges of the unstrained lattice in the limit of vanishing strain.

When dilating or compressing along two of the three fourfold axes $ {\ensuremath{\mathitbf{e}}}_i$ (case 1), any octant of the BZ can be chosen as the irreducible wedge. In the presence of uniaxial stress along [110] (case 2) a possible choice for the irreducible wedge is depicted in Figure 3.10. The six wedges labeled in Figure 3.10 can be transformed into the first wedge by the transformations

$\displaystyle \ensuremath{{\underaccent{\bar}{T}}}_1 = \begin{pmatrix}1 & \hpha...
...\hphantom{-}0 & \hphantom{-}0\\ 0 & \hphantom{-}1 & \hphantom{-}0\end{pmatrix},$    

$\displaystyle \ensuremath{{\underaccent{\bar}{T}}}_4 = \begin{pmatrix}1 & \hpha...
...{-}1\\ 1 & \hphantom{-}0 & \hphantom{-}0\\ 0 & -1 & \hphantom{-}0\end{pmatrix}.$    

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E. Ungersboeck: Advanced Modelling Aspects of Modern Strained CMOS Technology