4.3.1 Band Gap Energy
The Varshni formula [313] well describes the temperature
dependence of the band gap in nitrides with:
The values for
(energy band gap at 0 K),
(empirical constants) for GaN, AlN and InN are
summarized in Table 4.6. The parameters for GaN are an
average of various reported results as summarized in
[209], those for AlN are based on the experimental work of
Guo et al. [314]. For InN the parameters are taken from
[315], where three different techniques were used to study the
band gap energy and its properties. The results are in agreement with the
recently reevaluated band gap energy of InN as discussed in
Section 3.3.
Table 4.6:
Summary of band structure model parameters.
Material |
[eV] |
[eV/K] |
[K] |
GaN |
3.4 |
9.09 10 |
800 |
AlN |
6.2 |
18.0 10 |
1462 |
InN |
0.69 |
4.14 10 |
454 |
The band gap of semiconductor alloys is interpolated by Vegard's law
with the bowing parameter
. The reported values for
N of the latter show a large variation ranging from
0.8 eV [317] to
1.33 eV
[318]. However, several experiments [319,320] show a
linear variation (
0 eV) which is adopted here.
For InGaN a bowing parameter
=1.4 eV in agreement with the
work of Walukievicz et al. [315] is well established. It
corresponds to the theoretical value given by Caetano et al.
[321] (
=1.44 eV). Other theoretical studies show
that a single bowing parameter cannot be used for the whole alloy
band gap [322,323]. While the dependence of the bowing
parameter on the composition in the aforementioned works is weak, it
still remains to be experimentally verified. Until such studies are
=1.4 eV and
=2.1 eV for unstrained and
strained samples, respectively, are adopted [324]
Several works suggest a bowing parameter with a value ranging from
3.0 eV and 6.1 eV [315,325] for InAlN. Those large
disagreements can be attributed to low crystalline quality and high
doping levels. Recent calculations and experimental studies showed,
however, that the bowing parameter for InAlN is strongly dependent on
the material composition [326,327]. In order to
account for this dependence the following expression is proposed
in [327]:
In the same work, the authors propose a value of 15.3 eV and 4.81 eV
, respectively. As shown
in Fig. 4.8 this model achieves a very good
agreement with the experimental data from various other
studies [328,329,330]. The dependence of the
band gap on composition should be attributed to charge transfer
effects, related to the large electronegativity differences between
III-V atoms [322]. However, as pointed out
in [331] Vegard's law is applicable for lattice
matched composition (
17% as reported in [332]),
which is mostly interesting for HEMT applications. For reference the
result obtained using a constant
=3 eV is depicted, too.
S. Vitanov: Simulation of High Electron Mobility Transistors