Projects Details

Thematic Network on Silicon on Insulator Technology, Devices and Circuits

Project Number IST-2002-506653 EUROSOI   
Start of Project 17. December 2003
End of Project 16. March 2006
Additional Information Entry in CORDIS


The EUROSOI network embraces a broad range of research areas related to Silicon-On-lnsulator technology (from materials to end-user electronic applications in traditionally strong European industrial sectors such as automotive, communications, space). EUROSOI aims at federating the existing research work on SOI topics and at providing an appropriate communication channel between academic groups and industrial production centres.
EUROSOI coordination efforts will be focused on fostering different activities to improve the lack of industrial development in Europe in SOI topics. A network of research centres, industries and end-users is the appropriate tool to structure and organize the existing R&D work on SOI topics, and achieve a critical mass to efficiently close the gap between academic groups and industry, which is responsible for the weakness of European Industry with regard to SOI.
Key actions to reach the above-mentioned objectives are:
i) to promote interaction between scientists,
ii) to take advantage of the previous experience of research groups,
iii) to join forces to maximize the synergy between individual skills, thus obtaining the best achievable global results, and
iv) to provide an appropriate communication channel between academic groups and industrial production centres.
EUROSOI will contribute to this by:
a) The exchange of information during the workshops organized by the network.
b) Scientific exchange between partners by research visits of scientist and student grants,
c) A web-based database on work by SOI containing: news, resources, project results, reports, links, seminars, training, courses, job opportunities, grants,
d) Elaboration of the European SOI Roadmap: identification of scientific priority areas and formulation of research and development strategies,
e) Elaboration of Who is Who Guide in SOI.
