Christoph Pichler
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Tel.Nr.: +43 1 58801-360


Worked for the IµE from 31-10-1992 to 30-03-1997.

Biography (as of 30-03-1997):
Christoph Pichler was born in Vienna, Austria, in 1966. He studied electrical engineering at the Technische Universität Wien, where he received the degree of Diplomingenieur in 1991. During his studies, he held summer positions at AVL Graz (medical engineering); AEG Vienna (industrial process engineering); AKG Vienna (digital audio systems); ABB Baden, Switzerland (power electronics). In November 1991 he joined the Engineering Design Research Center at Carnegie Mellon University where he worked on rapid prototyping and automation in manufacturing. He joined the Institute for Microelectronics in November 1992. His scientific interests include engineering design, semiconductor technology, and systems integration. From January to May 1995, he held a position as visiting researcher at the University of California, Berkeley, working on systems aspects of three-dimensional lithography simulation. In October and November 1995, he was with the Hitachi Device Development Center in Ome, Tokyo, where he concentrated on the automated optimization of fabrication process flows for future device generations.