Alexandros Provias


Alexandros was born in Athens, Greece, in 1997. In 2020, he completed his undergraduate studies in Physics at the University of Crete and continued his graduate studies there in collaboration with the FORTH Institute where he obtained his diploma in 2022. His previous research activities were on RF MEMS with Silicon Nitride and on High Frequency diodes based on Carbon Nanotubes and fullerene derivatives. In 2022, he joined TU Wien to pursue his PhD and his current research is on electrical characterization and device fabrication of 2D material based FETs.

Experimental Characterization of MoS2 FETs and CaF2 Capacitors

In recent years, a concerted effort has been made to investigate the pivotal role of dielectrics in semiconductor devices, with projects conducted in collaboration with industry leaders such as Intel and TSMC. Dielectrics, often overlooked yet essential components, profoundly influence device performance and reliability by modulating electrical properties. Understanding their behavior is crucial for optimizing device performance and ensuring long-term reliability, thus underscoring the significance of research in this domain.

MoS2 field-Effect Transistor (FET) Hysteresis and Bias Temperature Instability Characterization with HfO2 and HfO2/Al2O3 as Dielectrics (Project with Intel): Through collaboration with Intel, a thorough investigation into the hysteresis and bias temperature instability (BTI) characteristics of MoS2 FETs has started. Utilizing HfO2 and HfO2/Al2O3 as dielectrics, this project aims to elucidate the intricate relationship between material properties and device performance, offering insights crucial to developing next-generation electronics.

MoS2 FETs Hysteresis and Bias Temperature Instability Characterization with HZO/HfO2 and HfO2/Al2O3 as Dielectrics (Project with TSMC): Teaming up with TSMC, a parallel investigation into MoS2 FET behavior has been conducted, focusing on dielectric combinations such as HZO/HfO2 alongside HfO2/Al2O3. This comprehensive approach underscores the commitment to thorough research methodologies adaptable to different industrial contexts, thus contributing to advancements in semiconductor technology.

CaF2 Capacitors CV Characterization: Diversifying the research scope beyond FETs, the characterization of CaF2 capacitors' capacitance-voltage (CV) behavior has been pursued to take advantage of the high permittivity of the material (~6.7). This exploration of alternative dielectric materials reflects a different approach to semiconductor research, aiming to identify potential applications for future electronic devices.

These projects collectively attempt to unravel the complexities of dielectric materials, promising valuable insights that will drive advancements in semiconductor technology.

Fig. 1: FETs' four most dominant mechanisms responsible for clockwise (CW) or counter-clockwise (CCW) hysteresis.