4.2  The critical thickness criterion

The system shown in Figure 4.1 is composed of a thin film with a finite thickness in the region 0 < z < h, and a semi-infinite substrate filling the half space z < 0. The dislocation is along the interface z = 0 aligned along the y-axis. The critical thickness criterion compares the dislocation energy per unit length, dEdy, with the work, dWdy, done by the misfit stress, σijm, in forming the unit length of a dislocation along the film–substrate interface. As a consequence, the critical thickness criterion is given by

dW-- = dE-.
 dy     dy

4.2.1  Work done by the misfit strain


Figure 4.1: The straight infinitely long dislocation at the film–substrate interface. The film thickness is h, the slip plane is tilted by an angle ϕ from the normal to the interface.

Since the film is much thinner than the semi-infinite substrate, the strain in the substrate is assumed to be zero while the complete lattice mismatch is accommodated in the film (i.e., any mismatch strain relaxation by substrate bending is neglected). According to the geometry shown in Figure 4.1, the top surface z = h of the film is traction free and therefore σxzm(x,h) = σ zzm(x,h) = σ yzm(x,h) = 0. Assuming all directions within the xy-plane (the hexagonal plane) are equivalent, a planar stress state is obtained and thus the mismatch strain components are εxxm = ε yym = ε m, where εm is the misfit strain, defined as

εm =  a----a,

considering that the thin film’s in-plane lattice constant a adjusts to the rigid substrate’s lattice constant a*.

Hooke’s law (2.10) for isotropic structures reads

(    )    (                           ) (     )
  σxx       c11  c12  c12   0   0    0      εxx
| σ  |    | c    c   c     0   0    0 | |  ε  |
||  yy||    ||  12   11   12              || ||   yy||
| σzz|  = | c12  c12  c11   0   0    0 | |  εzz|  ,
|| σyz||    ||  0   0    0   c44  0    0 || || 2εyz||
( σxz)    (  0   0    0    0  c44   0 ) ( 2εxz)
  σxy        0   0    0    0   0   c44    2εxy

where c44 = (c11 - c12) 2. In the case of cubic and hexagonal symmetries, the shape of the stiffness matrix cij changes to

( c   c    c    0    0   0 )       ( c   c    c    0    0   0 )
|  11  12   12             |       |  11   12   13             |
| c12 c11  c12  0    0   0 |       | c12  c11  c13  0    0   0 |
|| c12 c12  c11  0    0   0 ||  ,and || c13  c13  c33  0    0   0 ||  ,
||  0   0    0   c44   0   0 ||       || 0    0    0  c44   0   0 ||
(  0   0    0   0   c44  0 )       ( 0    0    0   0   c44  0 )
   0   0    0   0    0   c           0    0    0   0    0   c
                          44                                  66

respectively, where c66 = (c11 - c12)2 for the hexagonal symmetry (the right matrix above).

Considering for example the hexagonal symmetry, Hooke’s law gives

0 =  σmzz = c13εmxx + c13εmyy + c33εmzz

which results in

εmzz = - 2c13εm.

Finally, Hooke’s law yields for the mismatch stress

σ   = σm  = σm  = (c11 +-c12)c33 --2c13ε .
 m     xx    yy            c33          m

In the chosen Cartesian coordinate system, the Burgers vector b, the tensor of the misfit stress σm, and the outer normal to the cut surface Γ = S 2 + S4 (see Figure 3.1) denoted by n take the forms

     (             )           (           )         (        )
       - b sin θsin ϕ             σm   0   0            - cos ϕ
b =  (    bcos θ   ) ,  σm  =  ( 0   σm   0) ,   n = (    0   ) ,       (4.8)
       b sin θcos ϕ               0    0   0             sinϕ
where θ is the angle between the dislocation line and the Burgers vector, and ϕ the angle between the slip plane and the normal to the film-substrate interface (see Figure 4.1). The work per unit length of the dislocation, dWdy, done by the misfit stress is calculated according to  [19]
 dy = 0h∕cosϕ i,jbiσijmn jdz = 0h∕cosϕ i(biσixnx + biσiznz) dz
= mh sin θ sin ϕ. (4.9)
In a straightforward manner, analogous expressions for the other symmetries of the stiffness tensor (isotropic or cubic) can also be obtained.

4.2.2  Dislocation energy

The formula for the dislocation energy dEddy for a straight dislocation inside an infinite isotropic medium reads  [19,23,32]:

         2         2     (   )
dEd-=  μb-(1---νcos-φ-)ln   R-  ,
dy        4π (1 - ν )       rc

where μ and ν are the shear modulus and the Poisson ratio, respectively, φ is the angle between the Burgers vector b and the dislocation line, and R is the outer cut-off radius. Here it is taken to be equal to the film thickness.

Chapter 3.2 describes how to calculate the dislocation energy dEddy inside an infinite anisotropic medium according to the procedure developed by Steeds  [72] and described in Section 3.4:

dE         ( R )
--d-=  Kln   --  ,
dy           rc

where K is the pre-logarithmic factor and it is a function of the crystal structure and the elastic properties (see Section 3.4). Holec  [25] derived a simplified expression of K from the Steeds procedure specifically for a dislocation along the y-axis inside a hexagonal crystal. The expression is easily adapted to the cubic symmetry by simply modifying the stiffness tensor.

If we want to calculate the dislocation energy at the interface between the film and the substrate of a heteroepitaxial structure, it is necessary to evaluate the effect of the free surface of the film and the different elastic properties of the two materials. Willis, Jain and Bullough  [82] have evaluated both effects on the dislocation energy within isotropic elasticity.

The adaptation of the Willis, Jain and Bullough model to the hexagonal symmetry can be found in the works of Holec  [24] and Coppeta  [8]. This procedure is reported in details in the next Paragraph 4.2.3 for a straight dislocation at the interface between a finite hexagonal film and a semi-infinite hexagonal substrate with different elastic constants.

In conclusion, four approaches (summarized in Table 4.1) for calculating the dislocation energy were defined above, which will be used to evaluate the impact of different approximations.

4.2.3  A straight dislocation at the interface of anisotropic materials

The evaluation of the integrals along the surfaces S2 and S4 (see Figure 3.1) deals with a straight dislocation at the interface between a finite anisotropic film and a semi-infinite anisotropic substrate with different elastic properties:

        ∑   ( ∫               ∫             )
dEd =  1         uiσdijnjdS2 +     uiσdijnjdS4   .
       2 ij    S2               S4

Considering Figure 4.2, the previous equation becomes

      (∫                      ∫                   )
1 ∑      h          +  d        rc         -  d
2          ui(x → 0  )σixdz +     ui(x →  0 )σixdz  .
   i    rc                     h

If the extremes of the second integral are inverted, one obtains

         ∑  ∫  h
dEd- = 1        biσd dz
 dy    2  i   rc    ix

where ui(x 0+) - u i(x 0-) = b i.
The evaluation of the stress components in (4.14) is performed through the treatment suggested by the Willis, Jain and Bullough model  [82] for hexagonal and cubic symmetries following the Steeds procedure  [72].


Figure 4.2: The z-axis is perpendicular to the c-plane for the hexagonal symmetry and to the closed packed plane for the cubic one. The dislocation line lies along the y-axis in both cases.


Figure 4.3: The z-axis is perpendicular to the c-plane for the hexagonal symmetry and to the closed packed plane for the cubic one. The dislocation line lies along the y-axis in both cases.

The dislocation of interest is a misfit dislocation along the c-plane of the wurtzite structure or the closed packed plane of the diamond structure. The z-axis is perpendicular to the c-plane or to the closed packed plane, respectively (See Figure 4.3). The dislocation is considered straight and extended to infinity along the y-axis. This assumption simplifies the problem to a plane strain problem where no quantity depends on the y-coordinate, so

∂y-=  0,

The Burgers vector of the dislocation is b. Displacements are given by the functions ux, uy and uz. The displacements ux and uz correspond to the edge component of the considered dislocation whereas uy corresponds to the screw component. The strain components are

εxx = ∂ux
∂x,εxy = 1
εyy = 0,εxz = 1-
2(            )
  ∂ux- + ∂uz-
   ∂z     ∂x, (4.16)
εzz = ∂u
∂z,εyz = 1
The compatibility equations  [72] provide two relations:
 ∂z2 +  2
 ∂x2 = 2∂εxz--
∂x∂z, (4.17a)
 ∂x -∂εxy-
 ∂z = 0. (4.17b)

The fact that εyy = 0 yields a relation between particular stress components:

                                             s12      s13
0 = εyy = s12σxx + s11σyy + s13σzz ⇒  σyy = - s11σxx - s11σzz.

The compliances reflecting the proper hexagonal symmetry have been used to obtain:

(     )    (                           ) (    )
  εxx        s11 s12  s13   0   0    0     σxx
|| εyy ||    || s12 s11  s13   0   0    0 || || σyy||
| εzz |    | s13 s13  s33   0   0    0 | | σzz|
||     || =  ||                           || ||    ||  ,
| 2εyz|    |  0   0    0   s44  0    0 | | σyz|
( 2εxz)    (  0   0    0    0  s44   0 ) ( σxz)
  2εxy        0   0    0    0   0   s66    σxy


s66 = 2 (s11 - s12).

The shape of the tensor for cubic symmetry (in both Si(100) and Si(110)) is the same as for the hexagonal one. The subsequent treatment is valid for the cubic symmetry with s66 = s44 and s13 = s12.

According to the Willis, Jain and Bullough model, it is useful now to have the jumps in displacements occur over a surface which is perpendicular to the free surface instead of across the slip plane. All quantities in the substrate have a * superscript to distinguish them from quantities related to the thin film. The Fourier transform of a function f is denoted by f^. It is possible to split the problem into two independent parts, resolving the edge and the screw components separately.

Edge component

The displacement field in the thin film can be decomposed into

u =  -besgn(x ) + v,

where be = (bx,0,bz) and the function v is continuous for all x. The strain field (and thus also the stress field) inside the thin layer is determined only by the v part as (except at the cut surface x = 0) the derivatives of the sgn(x) function are equal to zero everywhere. To solve this problem, Fourier-transformed variables are employed:

           1  ∫ ∞
^f(ξ,z) = √----     eiξxf(x,z )dx.
           2π  - ∞

The Fourier transform of the ∂∕∂x operator is -. Using (4.21) and (4.16), the Fourier components of the strain tensor are:

^ϵ xx(ξ,z) = -^v x(ξ,z), (4.23a)
^ϵ zz(ξ,z) = ∂^vz-
∂z(ξ,z), (4.23b)
^ϵ xz(ξ,z) = 1
2( ∂^v                  )
  --x(ξ,z) - iξ^vz(ξ,z)
  ∂z. (4.23c)

The equilibrium conditions  [72] take the form

∂ σxx
 ∂x + ∂σxz
 ∂z = 0, (4.24a)
 ∂x + ∂σzz-
 ∂z = 0. (4.24b)

Transforming these equations into their Fourier equivalents and using Hooke’s law with the stiffness tensor gives the following system of partial differential equations for the Fourier-transformed components of the displacements ^v x and ^v z:

(                                     ) (   )    (  )
               ∂2                   ∂
|| - c11ξ2 + c44----   - iξ (c13 + c44)--|| || ^vx||    || 0||
|             ∂z2                  ∂z | |   |  = |  |  .
|(                                  2  |) |(   |)    |(  |)
  - iξ (c13 + c44)-∂  - c44ξ2 + c33 ∂---    ^vz       0
                ∂z                ∂z2

In order to simplify the notation, the quantities A = -c11 , B = c44, C = -i(c13 + c44), D = -c44, E = c33 are introduced. From the second equation of the system one obtains

   ∂^vx-       2       ∂2^vz-
ξC ∂z  =  - D ξ ^vz - E ∂z2 .

Using this equation and its twice differentiated form with respect to z and substituting them into the first equation of the system (4.25), which is once differentiated with respect to z, yields

     4                           2
EB  ∂-^vz-+ (EA  + DB   - C2 )ξ2∂--^vz+  AD ξ4^v  = 0.
    ∂z4                         ∂z2          z

The solution has the exponential form eλ|ξ|z. The corresponding proper λs are solutions of the characteristic equation

     4  (               2) 2
EB λ  +  EA  + DB   - C   λ  + AD  =  0.

The solutions are λ1 = κ1, λ2 = -κ1, λ3 = κ2 and λ4 = κ2, where

      ┌  -------------------------------------------------------
      │                        ∘ ------------------------------
      │∘  - (EA  + DB  -  C2) ±   (EA  + DB   - C2 )2 - 4ABDE
κ1,2 =    ------------------------------------------------------.

Therefore, the general solution to (4.27) has the form  [72]

     ∑4          λ|ξ|z
^vz =    Ai λi|ξ|e i  ,

where Ai are functions of ξ to be determined. The component ^v x can then be obtained from (4.26). Its general solution is

       ∑      D--+-E-λ2i λi|ξ|z
^vx = -     Aiξ    C    e     .


D + E λ2      c   - c  λ2
-------i-=  - i-44---33-i.
   C            c13 + c44

The Fourier-transformed components of the strain tensor are now easy to obtain from combining Equations (4.30), (4.31), and (4.23):

^ε xx = i=14A iξ2          2
c44 --c33λ-i
 c13 + c44eλi|ξ|z, (4.33a)
^ε xz = -1
2 i=14iA i|ξ|ξλic  + c  λ2
 c13 + c44eλi|ξ|z, (4.33b)
^ε zz = i=14A iξ2λ i2eλi|ξ|z. (4.33c)

Using Hooke’s law, which has the same form when Fourier transformed, one obtains:

^σxx = c11^ε xx + c13^ε zz = - i=14A iξ2λ i2c 44c13 + c33λ2i
 c13 + c44eλi|ξ|z, (4.34a)
^σxz = 2c44^ε xz = - i=14iA i|ξ |ξλic44         2
 c13 + c44eλi|ξ|z, (4.34b)
^σzz = c13^ε xx + c33^ε zz = i=14A iξ2c 44c  + c  λ2
 c13 + c44eλi|ξ|z, (4.34c)

where the identity c11c44 +   2
(c13 + 2c13c44 - c11c33) λi2 + c 44c33λi4 = 0 was used in the expression for ^σxx.

The general solution for the substrate region takes the same form (except that all variables have a star superscript). It is assumed that the substrate is not influenced by the thin layer as z →-∞. To fulfill this condition, the constants A2* and A 4* must be identically zero. Boundary conditions must be employed now in order to determine the constants A1, A2, A3, A4, A1*, and A 3*.

The Fourier transform of 12sgn(x) is i(√ --- )
   2π ξ. The continuity of displacements across the interface z = 0 is expressed by the following equations:

^v x(ξ,0) + √ibx--
  2πξ = ^v x*(ξ,0) , (4.35a)
^v z(ξ, 0) + √ibz--
 2 πξ = ^v z*(ξ, 0) , (4.35b)

which result in the equations

(A  +  A )
  1    2 Γ1 + (A  + A  )
   3    4 Γ2 + √--bx--
  2π ξ2 = A1*Γ 1* + A 3*Γ 2*, (4.36a)
(A1 -  A2) κ1 + (A3 - A4 ) κ2 +    ib
  2π |ξ|ξ = A1*κ 1* + A 3*κ 2*, (4.36b)

where the notation

Γi = c  - c  κ2
 c13 + c44,Γi* = c* - c* κ*2
 c13 + c44,i = 1, 2. (4.37)
has been introduced.

The second set of equations is obtained from the requirement that tractions must be continuous across the interface z = 0:

σ^xz(ξ,0) = ^σxz*(ξ,0 ) , (4.38a)
σ^zz(ξ,0) = ^σzz*(ξ,0) . (4.38b)

Combining Equations (4.34) and (4.38) gives

(A1 - A2 ) κ1Λ1 + (A3 - A4 ) κ2Λ2 = A1*κ 1*Λ 1* + A 3*κ 2*Λ 2* (4.39a)
(A1 + A2 ) Λ1 + (A3 + A4 ) Λ2 = A1*Λ 1* + A 3*Λ 2*, (4.39b)

where the simplifying notation

Λi =              2
   c13 + c44,Λi* =  *   *     *  2
c44(c13 +-c33κ-i)
    c*13 + c*44,i = 1, 2, (4.40)
has been introduced. The last set of equations arises from the requirement that the free surface is at z = h.

The condition ^σxz(ξ,h ) = 0 is expressed as

(   κ |ξ|h      -κ |ξ|h)
 A1e 1   -  A2e  1κ 1Λ1 + (    κ|ξ|h       -κ |ξ|h)
 A3e  2   - A4e   2κ 2Λ2 = 0 (4.41)
and the requirements ^σzz(ξ,h) = 0 yields
(   κ1|ξ|h      -κ1|ξ|h)
 A1e     + A2e Λ 1 + (   κ2|ξ|h      -κ2|ξ|h)
 A3e     -  A4e Λ 2 = 0. (4.42)
Equations (4.36), (4.39), (4.41) and (4.42) constitute a linear system of equations for the unknown variables A1,...,A3*. Obviously, the solution of this system provides A 1,...,A3* as functions of ξ. To obtain the stress components σxx, σxz and σzz, it is necessary to perform the inverse Fourier transforms of ^σxx, ^σxz and ^σzz, respectively, with the substituted resolved constants A1,...,A4.
An attempt to obtain an analytical formula for the stress components and energy for the edge type dislocation would be unreasonably complicated. Therefore the calculations were performed numerically.
Screw component

The procedure for the screw component is similar but simpler. The Burgers vector of a screw dislocation has only one non-zero component, by, and thus the only non-zero component of the displacement is uy. Moreover, it is again a plane strain problem, i.e., ∂∕∂y = 0. As a consequence, the only non-zero strain components are εxy and εyz. Similarly to the case of the edge dislocation, it is more convenient to deal with the Fourier-transformed component ^u y rather than with uy itself. The Fourier-transformed components of the strain are

^ε xy = -1
2^v y, (4.43a)
^ε yz = 1-
∂z, (4.43b)

and the FT stress components obtained from Hooke’s law are

^σxy = 2c66^ε xy = -iξc66^v y, (4.44a)
^σyz = 2c44^ε yz = c44∂-^vy
 ∂z. (4.44b)

The equilibrium condition  [72]

 ∂x + ∂σyz
∂z = 0 (4.45)
provides the second-order differential equation for ^v y:
- ξ2c 66^v y(ξ,z) + c44  2
 ∂z2(ξ,z) = 0, (4.46)
the general solution of which is
^v y = A1e∘ c--
  c6644- |ξ|z + A2e-∘-c-
 C6464|ξ|z . (4.47)
The general solution in the substrate has exactly the same form except for the fact that all variables have a superscript. Since the substrate is assumed to be semi-infinite, one requires all quantities to vanish as z →-∞ and therefore A2* = 0. Applying the same boundary conditions as in the case of the edge dislocation (continuity of displacements and tractions over the interface z = 0 and the free surface at z = h) yields
A1 + A2 +  iby
  2πξ = A1*, (4.48a)
(A1 -  A2) √ ------
  c66c44 = A1*∘  ------
   c*66c*44, (4.48b)
 c44 |ξ|h - A2e-∘ c66-
  c44|ξ|h = 0. (4.48c)

Values of A1 and A2 fulfilling these equations are

A1 =  iby
  2πξ                            ∘c66
                 √c-*-c*e- 2 c44|ξ|h
e-2  c44|ξ|h √ c66c44 -  c*66c*44 -  √ c66c44 +  c*66c*44, (4.49a)
A2 = √iby--
  2πξ                      √ -*--*-
 -2  c6c464|ξ|h(√ ------  √ -*--*-)  (√ ------  √ -*--*-)
e            c66c44 -  c66c44 -    c66c44 +  c66c44. (4.49b)

The stress components can be obtained by the inverse Fourier transform of ^σxy and ^σxz with the substituted A1 and A2 from the last two equations.

After that, the components of the stress and the Burgers vector can be substituted in (4.14) to calculate the dislocation energy.

4.2.4  The critical thickness models

According to equation (4.1), equating the work done by the misfit strain with each of the four formulas for dislocation energy yields four different models with which to calculate the equilibrium critical thickness . These models are summarized with the respective hypotheses in Table 4.1 and their results are discussed in the subsequent Paragraphs. In particular, the critical thickness model developed by Freund  [17], which neglects the differences between film and substrate, considers only isotropic elasticity, and in its simplified (often used) formula also neglects the effect of the free surface. The Freund model is corrected for the elastic anisotropy using the Steeds treatment for the dislocation energy  [72]. The fully isotropic model, but with the free surface and different elastic constants in the film and the substrate, employs the Willis, Jain and Bullough formula  [82]. Finally, a model addressing all effects  [8,24] is reported in Paragraph 4.2.3.

Table 4.1: An overview of different assumptions for evaluating misfit dislocation energy, and equilibrium critical thickness .

Freund Steeds Willis et al. Steeds + Willis et al.
  [17,19]   [72]   [82]   [8,24]

Anisotropy no yes no yes

Di fferent elastic properties of
  the film and  the substrate

no no yes yes

Free surface of the film no no yes yes