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- 1
Conf. Proc. Modeling Semiconductor Devices, Lausanne, 1977.
- 2
Alfred V. Aho und S.C. Johnson.
LR Parsing.
ACM Computing Surveys, 6(2):99-124, Juni 1974.
- 3
Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi, und Ullman Jeffrey D.
Compilers, Principles, Techniques and Tools.
Series in Computer Science. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1985.
- 4
ANSI X3.9-1978 FORTRAN 1977.
Standard, ANSI, 1978.
- 5
Guido Arnout und Hugo J De Man.
The Use of Threshold Functions and Boolean Controlled Network
Elements for Macromodeling of LSI Circuits.
IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, SC-13(3):326-332, Juni 1978.
- 6
R.E. Bank und D.J. Rose.
Parameter Selection for Newton-like Methods Applicable to Nonlinear
Partial Differential Equations.
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 17(6):806-822, Dez. 1980.
- 7
R.E. Bank und D.J. Rose.
Global Approximate Newton Methods.
Numerische Mathematik, 37:279-295, 1981.
- 8
William A. Barrett und John D. Couch.
Compiler Construction: Theory and Practice.
Science Research Associates, Inc., 1979.
- 9
F.L. Bauer und J. Eickel.
Compiler Construction.
Springer Verlag, 1976.
- 10
V. Belevitch.
Classical Network Theory.
Holden-Day, San Francisco, 1968.
- 11
Robert D. Berry.
An Optimal Ordering of Electronic Circuit Equations for a Sparse
Matrix Solution.
IEEE Trans. Circuit Theory, CT-18(1):40-50, Jän. 1971.
- 12
James C. Bowers und Stephen R. Sedore.
SCEPTRE: A Computer Program for Circuit and System Analysis.
Prentice-Hall Inc., 1971.
- 13
Grame R. Boyle, Barry M. Cohn, Donald O. Pederson, und James E. Solana.
Macromodeling of Integrated Circuit Operational Amplifiers.
IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, SC-9(6):353-363, Dez. 1974.
- 14
Franklin H. Branin.
DC and Transient Analysis of Networks Using a Digital Computer.
In IRE Intern. Convention Record, Band 10, Seiten 236-256,
- 15
Franklin H. Branin, Gerald R. Hogsett, Richard L. Lunde, und Lawrence E. Kugel.
ECAP II - A new Eletronic Circuit Analysis Program.
IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, SC-6(4):146-166, Aug. 1971.
- 16
R.K. Brayton, G.D. Hachtel, und Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli.
A Taxonomy of CAD for VLSI.
In Proceedings of the ECCTD 81, Seiten 34-57. North-Holland
Publishing Company, Aug. 1981.
- 17
Robert K. Brayton, Fred G. Gustavson, und Gary D. Hachtel.
A New Efficient Algorithm for Solving Differential-Algebraic Systems
Using Implicit Backward Differentiation Formulas.
Proceedings of the IEEE, 60:98-108, Jän. 1972.
- 18
L.T. Bruton und G. Bhattacharjee.
Formulation of the Nodal Charge Equations of Switched Capacitor
Networks Containing Nullors.
In Proceedings of the ECCTD 81, Seiten 110-117. North-Holland
Publishing Company, Aug. 1981.
- 19
BS 6154: Method of Defining Syntactic Metalanguages.
Standard, British Standard Institution, 1981.
- 20
Donald A. Calahan.
Numerical Considerations for Implementation of a Nonlinear Transient
Circuit Analysis Program.
IEEE Trans. Circuit Theory, CT-18:66-73, 1971.
- 21
Donald A. Calahan und William G. Ames.
Vector Processors: Models and Applications.
IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems, CAS-26(9):715-726, Sept.
- 22
Donald E. Calahan.
Computer-Aided Network Design.
McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1972.
- 23
FORTRAN Version 5 Reference Manual, Mai 1982.
- 24
Leon O. Chua.
Memristor - The Missing Circuit Element.
IEEE Trans. Circuit Theory, CT-18(9):507-519, Sept. 1971.
- 25
Leon O. Chua und Pen-Min Lin.
Computer-Aided Analysis of Electronic Circuits: Algorithms &
Computational Techniques.
Series in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Prentice-Hall Inc.,
- 26
Leon O. Chua und Sung Mo Kang.
Memristive Devices and Systems.
Proceedings of the IEEE, 64(2):209-223, Feb. 1976.
- 27
Leon O. Chua, Takashi Matsumoto, und Atsuhiro Makino.
On the Implications of Capacitor-Only Cutsets and Inductor-Only Loops
in Nonlinear Networks.
IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems, CAS-26(10):828-845, Okt.
- 28
Leon O. Chua.
Device Modeling via Basic Nonlinear Circuit Elements.
IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems, CAS-27(11):1014-1044, Nov.
- 29
Leon O. Chua.
Dynamic Nonlinear Networks: State-of-the-Art.
IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems, CAS-27(11):1059-1087, Nov.
- 30
Leon O. Chua, Takashi Matsumoto, und Hiroshi Kawakami.
Geometric Properties of Dynamic Nonlinear Networks: Transversality,
Local-Solvability and Eventual Passivity.
IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems, CAS-28(5):406-428, Mai 1981.
- 31
Leon O. Chua und Akio Ushida.
Algorithms for Computing Almost Periodic Steady-State Response of
Nonlinear Systems to Multiple Input Frequencies.
IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems, CAS-28(10):953-971, Okt.
- 32
Leon O. Chua, J.L. Wyatt, J.W. Gannett, I.C. Goeknar, und D.N. Green.
Energy Concepts in the State-Space Theory of Nonlinear n-Ports: Part
IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems, CAS-28(1):48-61, Jän.
- 33
Ellis Cohen.
Program Reference for SPICE2.
Technical Report ERL-M592, ERL, University of California, Berkeley,
Juni 1976.
- 34
Ellis Cohen, Andrei Vladimirescu, und Donald O. Pederson.
Users Guide for SPICE.
ERL, University of California, Berkeley, Jän. 1978.
- 35
Francis R. Colon und Timothy N. Trick.
Fast Periodic Steady-State Analysis for Large-Signal Electronic
IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, SC-8(4):260-269, Aug. 1973.
- 36
J.D. Crawford, M.Y. Hseuh, A.R. Newton, und Donald O. Pederson.
Users Guide for MOTIS-C Version 1.3A.
University of California, Berkeley, 6 Apr. 1978.
- 37
M. Crouzeix und F.J. Lisbona.
The Convergence of Variable-Stepsize, Variable-Formula Multistep
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 21(3):512-534, Juni 1984.
- 38
M.A. D'Abreu, C.F. Chen, und Y.J. Kim.
A Hybrid Simulation System for LSI/VLSI Design.
CAD/CAM Workshop, Nov. 1980.
- 39
Hugo J. De Man.
Computer-Aided Design for Integrated Circuits: Trying to Bridge the
IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, SC-14(3):613-621, Juni 1979.
- 40
Hugo J. De Man.
Mixed-Mode Simulation for MOS-VLSI: Why, Where and How.
In Proceedings IEEE Int. Symposium on Circuits and Systems 82,
Band 2, Seiten 699-701. IEEE, Mai 1982.
- 41
Johannes Demel und Siegfried Selberherr.
VDPACK - Ein benutzerorientiertes Unterprogrammpaket zur
Realisierung einer dynamischen Speicherverwaltung in FORTRAN.
Angewandte Informatik, (6):244-247, Juni 1984.
- 42
Narsingh Deo, G.M. Prablu, und M.S. Krishnamoorthy.
Algorithms for Generating Fundamental Cycles in a Graph.
ACM Trans. Mathematical Software, 8(1):26-42, März 1982.
- 43
Stephen W. Director.
Circuit Theory: A Computational Approach.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1975.
- 44
Willibald Dörfler und Jörg Mühlbacher.
Graphentheorie für Informatiker.
Sammlung Goeschen Band 6016. Walter deGruyter, 1973.
- 45
Iain S. Duff.
On Permutations to Block Triangular Form.
Journal of the Inst. of Mathematics and its Appl., 9:339-342,
- 46
Iain S. Duff.
A Survey of Sparse Matrix Research.
Proceedings of the IEEE, 65(4):500-535, Apr. 1977.
- 47
Iain S. Duff.
On Algorithms for Obtaining a Maximum Transversal.
Harwell Report CSS.49, A.E.R.E., Harwell, Oxfordshire, Okt. 1978.
- 48
Iain S. Duff und John K. Reid.
ALGORITHM 529, Permutations to Block Triangular Form.
ACM Trans. Mathematical Software, 4(2):189-192, Juni 1978.
- 49
Iain S. Duff und John K. Reid.
An Implementation of Tarjan's Algorithm for the Block
Triangularization of a Matrix.
ACM Trans. Mathematical Software, 4(2):137-147, Juni 1978.
- 50
Iain S. Duff und John K. Reid.
Performance Evaluation of Codes for Sparse Matrix Problems.
Technical report, A.E.R.E. Harwell, Oxfordshire, Dez. 1978.
- 51
Iain S. Duff.
Practical Comparison of Codes for the Solution of Sparse Linear
Technical report, A.E.R.E. Harwell, Oxfordshire, Jän. 1979.
- 52
Iain S. Duff und John K. Reid.
Some Design Features of a Sparse Matrix Code.
ACM Trans. Mathematical Software, 5(1):18-35, März 1979.
- 53
Iain S. Duff.
MA28 - A Set of Fortran Subroutines for Sparse Unsymmetric Linear
Harwell Report R.8730, A.E.R.E., Harwell, Oxfordshire, Nov. 1980.
- 54
Iain S. Duff.
A Sparse Future.
Harwell Report CSS.90, A.E.R.E., Harwell, Oxfordshire, Okt. 1980.
- 55
Iain S. Duff.
On Algorithms for Obtaining a Maximum Transversal.
ACM Trans. Mathematical Software, 7(3):315-330, Sept. 1981.
- 56
Iain S. Duff.
Research Directions in Sparse Matrix Computations.
Harwell Report R-10547, A.E.R.E., Harwell, Oxfordshire, Juli 1982.
- 57
Iain S. Duff.
A Survey of Sparse Matrix Software.
Harwell Report R-10512, A.E.R.E., Harwell, Oxfordshire, Mai 1982.
- 58
A.M. Erisman und John K. Reid.
Monitoring the Stability of the Triangular Factorization of a Sparse
Numerische Mathematik, 22:183-186, 1974.
- 59
Shi-Ping Fan, M.Y. Hseuh, A.Richard Newton, und Donald O. Pederson.
MOTIS-C: A New Circuit Simulator for MOS LSI Circuits.
In Proceedings IEEE Int. Symposium on Circuits and Systems 77,
Seiten 700-703, Apr. 1977.
- 60
Shi-Ping Fan.
SNAP User's Guide (Version 3).
National Semiconductor Corporation, Sept. 1980.
- 61
San-Chin Fang, Yannis Tsividis, und Wing Omar.
Time and Frequence-Domain Analysis of linear Switched-Capacitor
Networks Using State Charge Variables.
IEEE Trans. Computer-Aided Design, 4(4):651-661, Okt. 1985.
- 62
Donald G. Fink.
Electronic Engineers' Handbook.
McGraw-Hill, 1975.
- 63
Daniele Gambart-Ducros und Gerald Maral.
An Efficient Algorithm Reduces Computing Time in Solving a System of
Stiff Ordinary Differential Equations.
IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems, CAS-27(9):747-755, Sept.
- 64
K.M. Gardiner und A.I. Ellis.
A Unified Approach to Process, Device and Circuit Simulation.
CAD/CAM Workshop, Nov. 1980.
- 65
Charles W. Gear.
The Control of Parameters in the Automatic Integration of Ordinary
Differential Equations.
Internal report, University of Illinois, University of Illinois, Mai
- 66
Charles W. Gear.
The Automatic Integration of Stiff Differential Equations.
Information Processing, Seiten 187-193, 1969.
- 67
Charles W. Gear.
The Automatic Integration of Ordinary Differential Equations.
Communcations ACM, 14(3):176-179, März 1971.
- 68
Charles W. Gear und C. Dill.
A Graphical Search for Stiffly Stable Methods for Ordinary
Differential Equations.
Journal of ACM, 18(1):75-79, Jän. 1971.
- 69
Charles W. Gear und O. Osterby.
Solving Ordinary Differential Equations with Discontinuitis.
ACM Trans. Mathematical Software, 10(1):23-44, März 1984.
- 70
Charles W. Gear und L.R. Petzold.
ODE Methods for the Solution of Differential/Algebraic Systems.
SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis, 21(4):716-728, Aug. 1984.
- 71
J. Alan George.
Direct Methods for the Solution of Large Sparse System of Linear
SIAMS News, 13:8-10, Juni,Aug. 1980.
- 72
J. Alan George und Joseph W.H. Liu.
A Fast Implementation of the Minimum Degree Algorithm Using Quotient
ACM Trans. Mathematical Software, 6(3):337-358, Sept. 1980.
- 73
Ian Getreu.
Modeling the Bipolar Transistor.
Tektronix Inc., März 1976.
- 74
Lawrence Joseph Giacoletto und Robert W. Landee.
Electronics Designers' Handbook.
McGraw-Hill, 1977.
- 75
Manfred Glesner.
Revised Macromodeling Procedures for Digital Integrated Circuits.
In Conf. Proc. Modeling Semiconductor Devices [1],
Seiten 431-441.
- 76
Robert Gray und Charles N. Fischer.
SCANGEN Reference Manual.
Technical report, University of Wisconson-Madison, 1982.
- 77
Roger G. Grimes, David R. Kincaid, und David M. Young.
ITPACK 2.0 User's Guide.
Center for Numerical Analysis, University of Texas at Austin, Aug.
- 78
Francis B. Grosz und Timothy N. Trick.
Some Modifications to Newton's Method for the Determination of the
Steady-State Response of Nonlinear Oscillatory Circuits.
IEEE Trans. Computer-Aided Design, CAD-1(3):116-120, Juli
- 79
Gopal K. Gupta, Ron Sacks-Davis, und Peter E. Tischer.
A Review of Recent Developments in Solving ODEs.
ACM Computing Surveys, 17(1):5-47, März 1985.
- 80
Fred G. Gustavson, W. Liniger, und R. Willoughby.
Symbolic Generation of an Optimal Crout Algorithm for Sparse System
of Linear Equations.
Journal of ACM, 17(1):87-109, Jän. 1970.
- 81
Gary D. Hachtel, Robert K. Brayton, und Fred G. Gustavson.
The Sparse Tableau Approach to Network Analysis and Design.
IEEE Trans. Circuit Theory, CT-18(1):101-113, 1971.
- 82
Chueng-Wen Ho, Albert E. Ruehli, und Pierce A. Brennan.
The Modified Nodal Approach to Network Analysis.
IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems, CAS-22(6):504-509, Juni
- 83
Hellmut Hofmann.
Das elektromagnetische Feld.
Springer Verlag, 1986.
- 84
John W. Huang und Omar Wing.
Optimal Parallel Triangulation of a Sparse Matrix.
IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems, CAS-26(9):726-732, Sept.
- 85
Advanced Statistical Analysis Program (ASTAP), Program Reference
Manual, 1973.
- 86
VS FORTRAN, Application Programming: Language Reference, 1981.
- 87
ISO/R 1538-1972(E): Programming Language ALGOL.
Standard, ISO, 1972.
- 88
ISO 646-1983: ISO 7-Bit Coded Character Set for Information
Standard, ISO, 1983.
- 89
Stefan Jähnichen, Christoph Oeters, und Bruce Willis.
Vieweg Verlag, 1978.
- 90
Randall W. Jensen und Lawrence P. McNamee.
Handbook of Circuit Analysis Languages and Techniques.
Prentice-Hall Inc., 1976.
- 91
Gadi Kaplan.
Computer-Aided Design.
IEEE Spectrum, 12(10):40-47, Okt. 1975.
- 92
Donald E. Knuth.
The Art of Computer Programming: Fundamental Algorithms,
Band 1.
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, second Edition, 1968.
- 93
Georg C. Kossakes und Nicholas Kyriokopoulos.
An Improvement on the Newton-Gauss Algorithm.
IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems, CAS-24(5):271-272, Mai 1977.
- 94
Grazyna Krajewska und Frank E. Holmes.
Macromodeling of FET/Bipolar Operational Amplifiers.
IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, SC-14(6):1083-1087, Dez. 1979.
- 95
Gabriel Kron.
Tensors for Circuits.
Dover Publication, Inc., second Edition, 1959.
- 96
J. Larmouth.
Fortran 77 Portability.
Software-Pratice and Experience, 11:1071-1117, 1981.
- 97
Harry B. Lee.
An Implementation of Gaussian Elimination for Sparse Systems of
Linear Equations.
In Proceedings Symp. Sparse Matrices, Seiten 75-83. IBM, 1968.
- 98
Kijun Lee und Song-Bai Park.
Reduced Modified Nodal Approach to Circuit Analysis.
IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems, CAS-32(10):1056-1060, Okt.
- 99
Frederik A. Lindholm, Stephen W. Director, und David L. Bowler.
Assessing Model Adequacy and Selecting Model Complexity in
Integrated-Circuit Simulation.
IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, SC-6(4):213-222, Aug. 1971.
- 100
Philipp Lindorfer.
JANICS - ein Programm zur Übersetzung von
Schaltungsbeschreibungen für die computerunterstützte
Diplomarbeit, Inst. f. Allg. Elektrotechnik u. Elektronik, TU Wien,
Sept. 1987.
- 101
O. Manck.
Rechnergestützter Entwurf integrierter Schaltungen.
In GI-10. Jahrestagung, Saarbrücken, Band 3 von Informatik-Fachbericht. Springer Verlag, 1980.
- 102
Harry M. Markowitz.
The Elimination Form of the Inverse and its Application to Linear
Management Science, 3:255-269, Apr. 1957.
- 103
H. Martinot und P. Rossel.
Hierarchie des Modeles des Transistors MOS.
In Conf. Proc. Modeling Semiconductor Devices [1],
Seiten 253-284.
- 104
Takashi Matsumoto, Leon O. Chua, und Motomasa Komuro.
The Double Scroll.
IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems, CAS-32(8):797-818, Aug.
- 105
Jon Mauney und Charles N. Fischer.
ECP - an Error-Correcting-Parser Generator.
Technical report, University of Wisconson-Madison, 1982.
- 106
W.D. Maurer und T.D. Lewis.
Hashtable Methods.
ACM Computing Surveys, 7(1):5-19, März 1975.
- 107
Gerard Merckel, Joseph Borel, und Nicolae Z. Cupcea.
An Accurate Large-Signal MOS Transistor Model for Use in
IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, ED-19(5):681-690, Mai 1972.
- 108
John E. Meyer.
MOS Models and Circuit Simulation.
RCA Review, 32:42-63, März 1971.
- 109
N. Munksgaard.
Solving Sparse Symmetric Sets of Linear Equations by Preconditioned
Conjugate Gradients.
ACM Trans. Mathematical Software, 6(2):206-219, Juni 1980.
- 110
Laurence W. Nagel und Ronald A. Rohrer.
Computer Analysis of Nonlinear Circuits, Excluding Radiation
IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, SC-6(4):166-182, Aug. 1971.
- 111
Laurence W. Nagel.
SPICE2: A Computer Program to Simulate Semiconductor Circuits.
Technical Report ERL-M520, ERL, University of California, Berkeley,
Mai 1975.
- 112
A. Richard Newton.
The Simulation of Large-Scale Integrated Circuits.
Memorandum UCB/ERL M78/52, University of California, Juli 1978.
- 113
A.Richard Newton und Donald O. Pederson.
A Simulation Program with Large Integrated Circuit Emphasis (SPLICE).
In Proceedings IEEE Int. Symposium on Circuits and Systems 78,
Seiten 1-4, Jän. 1978.
- 114
A.Richard Newton, Donald O. Pederson, und Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli.
Design Aids for VLSI: The Berkeley Perspective.
IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems, CAS-28(7):666-680, Juli
- 115
OENORM A 6406, Mathematische Zeichen.
Standard, Oesterreichisches Normungsinstitut, Apr. 1970.
- 116
Donald O. Pederson.
Computer Aids in Integrated Circuits Design.
In Computer Design Aids for VLSI Circuits, Seiten 1-18.
Sijthoff & Noordhoff International, 1981.
- 117
Donald O. Pederson.
A Historical Review of Circuit Simulation.
IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems, CAS-31(1):103-111, Janurary
- 118
Paul Penfield, Robert Spence, und Simon Duinker.
Tellegen's Theorem and Electrical Networks.
Research Monograph No. 58. The M.I.T. Press, 1970.
- 119
Linda Petzold.
Differential/Algebraic Equations are not ODE's.
SIAM Journal Sci. Stat. Comput., 3(3):367-384, Sept. 1982.
- 120
Peter Johann Pichler.
Simulation von Operationsverstärkern.
Diplomarbeit, Inst. f. Allg. Elektrotechnik u. Elektronik, TU Wien,
Okt. 1982.
- 121
Udo W. Pooch und Al Nieder.
A Survey of Indexing Techniques for Sparse Matrices.
ACM Computing Surveys, 5(2):109-132, Juni 1973.
- 122
T. Poorter, J.H. Satter, und V.A. Satyadharma.
A Simple and Accurate Model for an MOS-Transistor in the Triode and
Saturation Regions.
In Conf. Proc. Modeling Semiconductor Devices [1],
Seiten 285-301.
- 123
J. D. Pryce.
A New Measure of Relative Error for Vectors.
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 21(1):202-215, Feb. 1984.
- 124
N.B.Guy Rabbat, Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, und Hsueh Y. Hsieh.
A Multilevel Newton Algorithm with Macromodeling and Latency for the
Analysis of Large-Scale Nonlinear Circuits in the Time Domain.
IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems, CAS-26(9):733-741, Sept.
- 125
John K. Reid.
A Note on the Stability of Gaussion Elimination.
Journal of the Inst. of Mathematics and its Appl., 8:374-375,
- 126
John K. Reid.
Sparse Matrixes, Kapitel I.3, Seiten 86-146.
Academic Press, 1977.
- 127
Veith Risak.
Methoden der rationellen Programmentwicklung.
Computer Monographien. Carl Hanser Verlag, 1976.
- 128
Ronald A. Rohrer, Laurence W. Nagel, Robert Meyer, und Lynn Weber.
Computationally Efficient Electronic-Circuit Noise Calculation.
IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, SC-6(4):204-213, Aug. 1971.
- 129
Tamas Roska.
The Limits of Modeling of Nonlinear Circuits.
IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems, CAS-28(3):212-216, März
- 130
P. Rossel, H. Martinot, und G. Vassilieff.
Accurate Two Sections Model for MOS Transistor in Saturation.
Solid-State Electronics, 19:51-56, 1976.
- 131
J. G. Ruch.
Modeling Bipolar Transistors.
In Conf. Proc. Modeling Semiconductor Devices [1],
Seiten 89-118.
- 132
Thomas Ruebner-Petersen.
NAP2, a Nonlinear Analysis Program for Electronic Circuits, Version
User Manual 16/5-73, Technical University of Denmark, 1973.
- 133
Thomas Ruebner-Petersen.
NAP2 Programmers Short Guide.
Technical report, Technical University of Denmark, März 1973.
- 134
Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli.
Circuit Simulation.
In Computer Design Aids for VLSI Circuits, Seiten 19-112.
Sijthoff & Noordhoff International, 1981.
- 135
Peter Schnupp und Christine Floyd.
Software: Programmentwicklung und Projektorganization.
De Gruyter Lehrbuch, 1976.
- 136
Siegfried Selberherr.
Analysis and Simulation of Semiconductor Devices.
Springer-Verlag Wien New York, 1984.
- 137
Andrew H. Sherman.
Algorithmus for Sparse Gaussian Elimination with Partial Pivoting.
ACM Trans. Mathematical Software, 4(4):330-338, Dez. 1978.
- 138
Hans Siebert.
Modellierung und Netzwerkanalyseprogramm für MOS-Schaltungen
mit hoher Leistungsfähigkeit.
Dissertation, Universität Dortmund, 1977.
- 139
Stig Skelboe.
Computation of the Periodic Steady-State Response of Nonlinear
Networks by Extrapolation Methods.
IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems, CAS-27(3):161-175, März
- 140
Stig Skelboe.
Time-Domain Steady-State Analysis of Nonlinear Electrical Systems.
Proceedings of the IEEE, 70(10):1210-1228, Okt. 1982.
- 141
Friedrich Straker.
Teilschaltungsbibliothek JANLIB für die
computerunterstützte Netzwerkanalyse.
Diplomarbeit, Inst. f. Allg. Elektrotechnik u. Elektronik, TU Wien,
März 1982.
- 142
Peter H. Strohband, Rainer Laur, und Walter L. Engl.
TNPT - An Efficient Method to Simulate Forced Nonlinear RF Networks
in Time Domain.
IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, SC-12(3):243-246, Juni 1977.
- 143
Norio Tanable, Hiroshi Nakamura, und Kenji Kawakita.
MOSTAP: An MOS Circuit Simulator for LSI Circuits.
In Proceedings IEEE Int. Symposium on Circuits and Systems 80,
Seiten 1035-1038, Apr. 1980.
- 144
Ulrich Tietze und Christoph Schenk.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1971.
- 145
William F. Tinney und John W. Walker.
Direct Solutions of Sparse Network Equations by Optimally Ordered
Triangular Factorization.
Proceedings of the IEEE, 55(11):1801-1809, Nov. 1967.
- 146
Tran-Thong und Bede Liu.
Accumulation of Roundoff Errors in Floating Point FFT.
IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems, CAS-24(3):132-143, März
- 147
Yannis Tsividis.
Principles of Operation and Analysis of Switched-Capacitor Circuits.
Proceedings of the IEEE, 71(8):926-940, Aug. 1983.
- 148
A. Van der Ziel.
Thermal Noise in Field-Effect Transistors.
Proceedings IRE, 50:1808-1812, Aug. 1962.
- 149
Andrei Vladimirescu und Sally Liu.
The Simulation of MOS Integrated Circuits using SPICE2.
Memorandum UCB/ERL M80/7, University of California, Berkeley, Feb.
- 150
Andrei Vladimirescu und Sally Liu.
The Simulation of MOS Intergrated Circuits using SPICE2.
Memorandum UC/ERL M80/7, University of California, Berkeley, Okt.
- 151
Andrei Vladimirescu, A.Richard Newton, und Donald O. Pederson.
SPICE Version 2F.1 User's Guide.
University of California, Berkeley, Feb. 1980.
- 152
U.V. Wali, R.N. Pal, und B. Chatterjee.
On the Modified Nodal Approach to Network Analysis.
Proceedings of the IEEE, 73(3):485-487, März 1985.
- 153
William T. Weeks, Alberto Jose Jimenez, Gerald W. Mahoney, Deepak Mehta, et al.
Algorithms for ASTAP - A Network-Analysis Program.
IEEE Trans. Circuit Theory, CT-20(4):628-634, Nov. 1973.
- 154
Niklaus Wirth.
Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen.
Leitfäden der angewandten Mathematik und Mechanik. Teubner, 1979.
- 155
Niklaus Wirth.
Compilerbau, Band 36 von Leitfäden der angewandten
Mathematik and Mechanik.
Teubner-Studienbücher, 1981.
- 156
Ping Yang, Berton D. Epler, und Pallab K. Chatterjee.
An Investigation of the Charge Conservation Problem for MOSFET
Circuit Simulation.
IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, SC-18(1):128-138, Feb. 1983.
Martin Stiftinger
Fri Jun 9 19:49:39 MET DST 1995