First, the closed-boundary matrix equation (3.103) is set up,
as indicated by the one-dimensional energy barrier in
Fig. 4.6. There are closed boundary conditions at the points 0
and 9, respectively. If the system is coupled to a reservoir at so called
connection points, injection points must be given which determine the values
of ,
, and at the reservoir. As described in Section 3.5.4, the
coupling entries are calculated by expressions such as (3.87) and
(3.88), where the values of the wave vector are
Note that these values may be complex. Injection points are stored in a table
which holds the information about the electrostatic potential, the electron
mass, and the FERMI level at the injection point. If the transmission
coefficient has to be calculated, the points which are considered for
tunneling -- the boundary nodes and their partner nodes -- are used to set
up these injection and connection points. The transmission coefficient is then
calculated from the wave functions entering and leaving the simulation domain.
Figure 4.6:
One-dimensional energy barrier:
Injection points are coupled to connection points.