The eqns. (2.53) and (2.54) contain several
gradients of scalar and vectorial functions which will be evaluated in this section. The
following two identities which represent the gradients of a scalar- and a vector-field are
is the unity tensor and
The calculation of the gradients of the weight functions of even order is
The calculation of the gradients of the weight functions of odd order takes into
account that eqns. (2.49) to (2.51) all have the
same functional form,
(2.60) |
Applying the product rule and using eqns. (2.55) and
(2.56) yields
The derivatives
are readily obtained
which finally allows the gradients of the odd weight functions to be written as
M. Gritsch: Numerical Modeling of Silicon-on-Insulator MOSFETs PDF