B. Driving Force Discretization
TO IMPLEMENT the discretization scheme described in Chapter 3 into the
device simulator MINIMOS-NT an expression for the driving force was required. The driving force
is defined by
(B.1) |
To obtain the discrete driving force the discretized current density
eqns. (3.63) and (3.64)
must therefore be divided in some way by the electron concentration
. Thus, an average
carrier concentration
is introduced via the following definition
(B.4) |
By comparing the coefficients of eqn. (B.4) with those from
eqn. (B.2)
and using the identity
(B.7) |
the new argument
of the BERNOULLI function can be calculated
and the average carrier concentration is finally found to be
(B.10) |
Applying the identity
(B.11) |
to eqn. (B.4) yields
(B.12) |
After inserting
from eqn. (2.188)
(B.13) |
the expression for the discretized driving force can easily be obtained
(B.14) |
The consistency of the discretization can be checked by calculating the driving force
in the limit of
where the abbreviations for
have been expanded. Using the total
derivative yields
which is the one-dimensional projection of the driving force
(B.20) |
M. Gritsch: Numerical Modeling of Silicon-on-Insulator MOSFETs PDF