The degraded in small-area transistors with only a few defects relaxes in discrete steps. Each step reveals a hole emission event at the emission time of a particular defect [115, 111]. Larger devices contain a larger number of defects, which in combination with a nearly uniform distribution of the activation energies yields a log-like recovery behavior as displayed in Fig. 7.12. As there are many different pairs of and within the device, their extraction from the experimental data is discussed first.
By subtracting two recovery traces after stress times and , the fraction of defects with capture time constants with is determined first [116], which is shown in Fig. 7.13. By dividing the difference trace into intervals , the fraction of defects having and is obtained.
To be able to describe the frequency of occurrence of capture time constants and emission time constants properly, a large set of long recovery traces with varying is needed. The experiments performed cover from up to and intervals between and . This allows for an extraction of the time constants as exemplarily depicted in Fig. 7.14.
It is now possible to explain the above mentioned effect with the varying oxide electric field on the basis of Fig. 7.15, where the fraction of due to defects with and is plotted as smoothed surface over and .
For NBTI with an of the surface shows two peaks. One peak covers and smaller than , while the other more pronounced one clearly illustrates that the largest part of the degradation was due to defects with larger than , which is highlighted by the contour lines below the graph. When comparing the different for PBTI for covering time constants between and , the peak of mainly consists of , while it is widened for towards smaller . This supports the hypothesis of decreased for higher after PBTI stress, which appears as faster long-term recovery.