4.2.1 Temperature and Voltage Dependence of Universal Law

Up to now it was only shown that the universality holds for various pMOS/nMOS-NBTI/PBTI-combinations. As temperature and voltage acceleration play an important role for lifetime projection, the study of the universal relaxation is now extended towards these stress conditions. How the two components R  and P  behave is therefore analyzed under different stress temperatures T  and stress voltages VS   , cf. Fig. 4.7. In this graph only the last long relaxation tail of the MSM-sequence is depicted. The different stress conditions described by the relaxation model (4.5) yield excellent agreement with the measurement results. The activation energies E
  A   are extracted for B  and β  , and the components of R  and P  . They are depicted in Fig. 4.8. While R  and B  show an Arrhenius-like behavior with EA ≈  0.08eV  respectively 0.04eV  for different stress times, β  is constant. P  on the other hand depends on the stress time, which rules out Arrhenius-like behavior [630].


Figure 4.7: When only the last relaxation sequence after 20000s  stress is considered under various temperatures (Top) and voltages (Bottom), the fit shows universal behavior.


Figure 4.8: Using different stress times and temperatures allows to extract activation energies in an Arrhenius plot for the four components R  , P  , B  , and β  in our relaxation model (4.5). While R  and B  are Arrhenius, P  is not (due to different values of EA   ), and β  is constant.