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MDL Model classes of the type QuantityInitializationModel and QuantityPostProcessingModel are used for the initialization respectively post processing of the quantity distributions on the simulation grid. These Models are evaluated once for every grid point and are responsible to compute the value of their dedicated quantity at the location of the grid point. Both Model types dispose of the same Interface described in Table 4.18.

Table 4.18: Interface of quantity initialization and post processing Models
Name Type Description
Cown double
the value of the assigned quantity
CownName MdlString
the MDL name of the assigned quantity
x double
the lateral coordinate of the actual grid point
y double
the vertical coordinate of the actual grid point
T double
the initial/final process temperature
time double
the simulation start/end time
boxVol double
the volume of the Delaunay box assigned to the actual grid point
MdlQuantity double
the value of the quantity with the MDL name MdlQuantity

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Next: Coefficients for Segment Up: 4.5.3 PROMIS-NT Model Classes Previous: Segment Postprocessing Setup
Robert Mlekus