For the development and calibration of diffusion models it is essential to choose proper initial dopant distributions. Since the most common method for introducing electrically charged particles into silicon wafers is ion implantation, suitable initial device descriptions are commonly generated by preceding process simulations. These process simulations include ion implantation simulations which can be classified into two groups based on the underlying modeling approach. The first group is formed by simulators utilizing the Monte Carlo method based on statistical mechanics and atomic target-ion interactions [3,31,6,5]. A second group of ion implantation simulators compute an analytical description of the resulting doping profiles based on statistical moments and distribution functions [22,9,66].
While PROMIS-NT is capable of using the output files of a number of ``real'' implantation simulators, for simplifying and speeding up the development cycle of new diffusion models it is often preferred to use a once generated input device and to perform the necessary variation of the initial quantity distributions during the setup of the PROMIS-NT diffusion simulation. The quantity initialization mechanism of PROMIS-NT allows for the definition of a ``simple analytical implantation simulation'' by defining initialization models with built-in distribution functions. The following example utilizes simple two-dimensional Gaussian distribution functions (5.1) - (5.3).
The usage of the
function within an MDL input deck requires
for the generation of an external MDL function extension library because
this function in neither contained in the list of standard MDL functions
nor provided by the extensions to the MDL language specification
provided by PROMIS-NT. The recommended procedure is described in
Appendix A.3.
Example 5.1 lists a possible implementation of
the analytical implantation model (5.1) - (5.3).
The simulation starts by dynamically loading the required
function and specification of the basic simulator setup
Test1InitModel. The assumed test device is depicted in
Fig. 5.1. It consists of two segments, the silicon segment
targeted by the analytical implantation simulation is located at negative
values of the vertical PIF coordinate axis y, and the covering
resist segment starting at the lateral coordinate
Suiting to the orthogonal structure of this device and the expected results
an orthogonal simulation grid is chosen. Since in this example only the
initial distribution within the silicon segment is of interest, the
simulation time is set to
and no quantity distributions are computed
within the resist segment.
The actual implantation is performed by utilizing the quantity
initialization mechanism in the evaluate method of the
P_Implant_Init Model class. Local
Parameters are used to fit the two-dimensional Gaussian distribution
function (5.2) to the results of an
implant [16]. The resulting phosphorus distribution is depicted in
Fig. 5.2.
LoadObjectLibrary "TinyAppFuncLib";
Instance PromisNTSetup = Test1InitModel;
NewModel Test1InitModel : PromisNTSetupModel {
evaluate {
:inputPBF = "inputgrid.pbf";
:outputPBF = "result.pbf";
:endTime = "0. s";
:deviceSetup = "P_Pair_Diff_DeviceSetup";
:diffusionModel["Si"] = "Promis";
NewModel P_Pair_Diff_DeviceSetup : DeviceSetupModel {
evaluate {
:segmentPreProcessingSetup["Si"] = "SiSegmentPreprocessingSetup";
NewModel SiSegmentPreprocessingSetup : SegmentPreprocessingSetupModel {
evaluate {
:quantityInitialization["P"] = "P_Implant_Init";
NewModel SiSegmentPost : SegmentPostprocessingSetupModel {
evaluate {
:quantityPostprocessing["P"] = "No_Post";
NewModel P_Implant_Init : QuantityInitializationModel {
Local {
// Parameters for a P implant at 100 keV
Parameter<double> spx = 0.055;
Parameter<double> spy = 0.045;
Parameter<double> Rp = 0.11;
Parameter<double> pi = acos(-1.0);
Parameter<double> a = 2.5;
evaluate {
:Cown = 1.0e16 / ( sqrt(2.0*pi)*spy );
:Cown *= exp ( - (-:y - Rp)*(-:y - Rp)/(2.0*spy*spy));
:Cown *= erfc( - (a-:x)/(sqrt(2.0)*spx))/2.0;
:Cown += 1.0e5;
NewModel No_Post : QuantityPostprocessingModel {}
Example 5.1: PROMIS-NT input deck for the analytical implantation simulation