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2.8 The CASE Tool Interface

Modularity is one of the central Algorithm Library concepts, hence it is recommended to store application specific MDL parameter types, operators, and MDL functions operating on them and the application specific MDL model classes into separate dynamically loadable shared libraries. Furthermore it is recommended to separate the extensions in extra libraries, one containing Parameter types, associated MDL operators and functions, the other containing Model classes.

The recipe for the construction of such external MDL libraries consists of several steps illustrated in Fig. 2.6

Figure 2.6: Model and Parameter library generation


; Declaration of the symbolic library names
(defun LocalModelLibraryName () "modelLibName")
; Declaration of MDL classes
   ( modelDecl   vClass     primBase     )
   ( String      String     String       )

Example 2.4: UNFUG tuple file template for Model extension libraries


; A symbolic Library Name
(defun LocalParamLibraryName () "ParLibName")
; Declaration of parameter types
   (vClass  ( header      vAlias        scan       print       instantiate newArg    ))
   (String  ( String      String        Bool       Bool        Bool        C++Const  ))
   ; ... further parameter types
; Declaration of operators types
   (resType op1Type  op2Type  isAlias resAlias
            op1Alias     op2Alias     ( left  oper    right   ))
   (String  String   String   Bool    String
            String       String       ( Bool  String  Bool    ))
   ; ... further specifications
; ... further operators

Example 2.5: UNFUG tuple file template for Parameter extension libraries


; Declaration of MDL functions
   ( mdlExpr    exprDesc          cxxExpr      parFkt      instTuple      errorMsg )
   ( String     String            String       String      fktTupleName      String   )
   ; ... further functions
   (resType  op1Type     valFkt   resAlias  op1Alias    (  header         ))
   (String   String      String   String    String      (  String        ))
   ; ... further specifications
; ... tuples declared in MDL-FunctionExpressions->fktTupleName entries above

Example 2.6: UNFUG tuple file template for function extension libraries


;;- Symbolic VMAKE directory name
(Module-Directory ParLibName-Directory)

(Name ParLibName-Tuple :file "ParLibName.tup")

;;- Objects for the MDL-Parameter-extension-library |
(Unfug-Target ParLibName-Param-Source
              :template Vienna-Model-Library-ParamExtensionDefinition-Tpl
              :tuple    Vienna-Template-Instantiation-Tup
              :target   "ParLibName.acc"

(Unfug-Target ParLibName-Param-Header
              :template Vienna-Model-Library-ModelExtensionDeclaration-Tpl
              :tuple    Vienna-Template-Instantiation-Tup
              :target   "ParLibName.ahh"

(C++-Target ParLibName-Auto-Objs
            :source ParLibName-Param-Source
            :defines (LOCAL_PARAM_LIBRARY_DEFINITION 1)

(C++-Target ParLibName-User-Objs
            :source :wildcard "*.cc"

;; The local MDL-Parameter-extension-library |
(Library-Target ParLibName-Library
                :libname "ParLibName"
                :objects ParLibName-User-Objs
                :depends Vienna-Model-Library

(Include-Target :include :wildcard "*.hh"

Example 2.7: VMAKE makefile template for Parameter extension libraries


;;- Symbolic VMAKE directory name
(Module-Directory FuncLibName-Directory)

(Name FuncLibName-Tuple :file "FuncLibName.tup")

;;- Objects for the MDL-Function-Extension-Library |
(Unfug-Target FuncLibName-Functions-Source
              :template Vienna-Model-Library-MDLFunctionsDefinition-Tpl
              :tuple    Vienna-Template-Instantiation-Tup
              :target   "FuncLibName.acc"

(Unfug-Target FuncLibName-Functions-Header
              :template Vienna-Model-Library-MDLFunctionsDeclaration-Tpl
              :tuple    Vienna-Template-Instantiation-Tup
              :target   "FuncLibName.ahh"

(C++-Target FuncLibName-Auto-Objs
            :source FuncLibName-Functions-Source
            :defines (LOCAL_FUNCS_LIBRARY_DEFINITION 1)

(C++-Target FuncLibName-User-Objs
            :source :wildcard "*.cc"

;; The local MDL-Function-Extension-Library |
(Library-Target FuncLibName-Library
                :libname "FuncLibName"
                :objects FuncLibName-User-Objs
                :depends Vienna-Model-Library

(Include-Target :include FuncLibName-Functions-Header)

Example 2.8: VMAKE makefile template for MDL function extension libraries


;;- Symbolic VMAKE directory name
(Module-Directory  MDLLibName-Directory)

(Name MDLLibName-Tuple :file "MDLLibName.tup")

;;- Objects for the MDL-Model-extension-library |
(Unfug-Target MDLLibName-Model-Source
              :template Vienna-Model-Library-ModelExtensionDefinition-Tpl
              :tuple    Vienna-Template-Instantiation-Tup
              :target   "MDLLibName.acc"

(Unfug-Target MDLLibName-Parameter-Header
              :template Vienna-Model-Library-ModelExtensionDeclaration-Tpl
              :tuple    Vienna-Template-Instantiation-Tup
              :target   "MDLLibName.ahh"

(C++-Target MDLLibName-Auto-Objects
            :source MDLLibName-Model-Source

(C++-Target MDLLibName-User-Objects
            :source :wildcard "*.cc"

;;- Include File: MDL-Model-extension-library declarations |
(Include-Target :include MDLLibName-Parameter-Header )

(Library-Target MDLLibName-Library
                :libname "MDLLibName"
                :objects MDLLibName-User-Objects
                :depends Vienna-Model-Library

(Include-Target :include :wildcard "*.hh"

Example 2.9: VMAKE makefile template for Model extension libraries

Consecutive executions of VMAKE extract the informations contained in the ``make'' and ``tuple'' files and generate automatically the required C++ code containing the necessary Algorithm Library bindings of the demanded MDL features. The generated files are compiled together with the above mentioned user defined C++ classes and functions implementing the required MDL functionality and linked into according shared libraries.

The thereby generated libraries contain the system dependent representations of MDL extension libraries. Depending on their planned application there are several possibilities for their usage:

The Algorithm Library is bundled with the extension library AdditionalLibcFuncs (Appendix B) containing MDL functions which provide according functions of the standard C library useful for general scripting of applications. Application specific MDL extension libraries, e.g. the libraries containing MDL Models, functions, and Parameters supporting the diffusion modeling with PROMIS-NT (Section 4), are distributed in conjunction with the according application.

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Robert Mlekus