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3.1.9 Functions

All functions listed in Table 3.5 are defined to work on the built-in parameter types analogously to the ANSI C++ standard.

Table 3.5: Predefined MDL functions
Syntax Description
rval fabs ( rval ) absolute value
rval ceil ( rval ) smallest integer not less than the argument
rval floor( rval ) largest integer not greater than the argument
rval sqrt ( rval ) square root of the argument
rval exp ( rval ) exponential of the argument, base e
rval log ( rval ) natural logarithm of the argument, base e
rval log10( rval ) logarithm of the argument, base 10
rval sin ( rval ) sine of the argument
rval cos ( rval ) cosine of the argument
rval tan ( rval ) tangent of the argument
rval asin ( rval ) inverse sine of the argument
rval acos ( rval ) inverse cosine of the argument
rval atan ( rval ) inverse tangent of the argument
rval sinh ( rval ) hyperbolic sine of the argument
rval cosh ( rval ) hyperbolic cosine of the argument
rval tanh ( rval ) hyperbolic tangent of the argument
rval pow ( rval, rval ) argument-1 to the power of argument-2
rval atan2( rval, rval ) arc tangent of argument-1/argument-2
rval fmod ( rval, rval ) floating point remainder of argument-1 / argument-2

While it is not possible to add other functions by using MDL statements, these can be generated by writing C++ implementations and adding them to external Algorithm Library modules. Equivalent functionality can often be obtained by using sub-Models and methods within pure MDL code.

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Robert Mlekus