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An input device for the diffusion simulation can consist of any number of material segments. For the PROMIS-NT diffusion modeling the user has to decide for each of these segments if diffusion models should be computed by adding them to the DiffModelTable list (Table 4.11). The same selection has to be done for the various boundaries between the material segments. Segments and Boundaries selected for the PROMIS-NT diffusion modeling will be referred to as ``active'' segments and boundaries in the context of this text.

Table 4.11: PROMIS-NT diffusion modeling setup
Name Type Description
diffusionModel DiffModelTable
Associative list ([material] $\rightarrow$ model type) controlling the structure of the transport equations to be solved on the related material segment. Currently only "No", and "Promis" (4.1) can be specified.
boundaryModel XmdModelMatrix
Associative array ([material1][material2] $\rightarrow$ model type) specifying the structure of the boundary model to be applied to the boundary between the material segments determined by the array indices. Currently only "No", and "Promis" (4.6) - (4.10) can be specified.

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Robert Mlekus