Appendix C
QCL Linear Stability Analysis

The standard Maxwell-Bloch equations with a SA added can be rewritten as [128]:

tE = -c
nzE -c
n  iμP
ℏl0Dth - c
2n(l0 -γ|E|2)E,(C.1)
tP = iμ
2ℏDE -P
tD = Dp  - D
   T1 + iμ
 ℏ(E*P - c.c.).(C.3)

The dynamics of a two-level QCL gain medium with ring cavity can be described using the Maxwell-Bloch equations. After transformation of the variables, the Maxwell-Bloch equations can be simplified to:

tE = -c-
nzE -c-
niP -c--
2n(l - ¯γ |E |2)
tP = -i
2DE -P
tD = -pfl0
T1T2 -D--
T1 + i(E *P -  c.c.) .(C.6)

To proceed with the linear stability analysis, we express each of the variables as the sum of the steady-state value and the small perturbations δE,δP, and δD.

The steady state solution can be found by setting the left-hand sides of the Eqs. (C.4)-(C.6) to zero. The steady state solutions has the form E = E, P = P, and D = D are constants in time and space satisfying:

D = -l0-
T2 -  ¯2
P = i-
2(l - ¯γ ¯E2)
pf + 1 = (         )
      ¯γ ¯E2
 1 -  ----
       l0(      2    )
 1 + E¯ T1T2.(C.9)

The resulting equations regarding the fluctuations are

tδPI = 1-
2(D¯δE  +  δD ¯E ]
tδD = -T2DE∂ER - 2EδPI -δD-
tδER = c
n[                 (         ) δE  ]
 - ∂zδER +  δPI -  l0 - 3γ ¯E2  ---R-
tδPR = -1-
2DδEI -δPR-
tδEI = c
n[                 (         ) δE ]
 - ∂zδEI -  δPR -  l0 - γE¯2  ---I

The two sets of equations, (C.10)-(C.12) and (C.13)-(C.14), are decoupled, and translationally invariant. Thus their eigenfunctions are plane waves [126]. It holds δPI(z,t) = δPI(t)eikz, and similar for relations δD and δE R. The stability of the cw solution is determined by the eigenvalues of the matrix

     (                  (        )             )
        - T- 1      -1-- l0 - γ¯¯E2        1-¯E
     |     2        2T2                   2    |
     ||                                         ||
     ||                                         ||
     |    c     c (  1     3         )         |
M  = ||    --    -- - --l0 + --¯γ ¯E2 - ik     0   ||  .
     ||    n     n    2     2                   ||
     |                                         |
     (                                         )
        - 2E¯         ¯γE¯3  - l0E ¯        - T-2 1

If all eigenvalues have a negative real part, the cw solution is stable.

For l0 = 0 and γ = 0, the eigenvalue with the greatest real part is λ0(K) = -ick∕n. Putting λ(K) = λ0(K) + λ1(K) into the characteristic polynomial of M and equating the parts which are first order in l0,γ, and λ1(K), one arrives at

λmax =
- iΩ -l0c-
2n--(ΩT1-+-i)ΩT2----2(pf --1)--
(ΩT1 + i)(ΩT2 + i) - (pf - 1)

+   2
  μ2T1T2(ΩT1--+-i)(3ΩT2--+-2i) --4(pf --1)
  (ΩT1 + i)(ΩT2 +  i) - (pf - 1),
where pf = Dp∕Dth and Ω = kc∕n. Taking the real part of Eq. C.16 one obtains Eq. 6.6.