3.5.5 Stratton's Approach
Stratton proposed to formulate the collision term using one single
microscopic relaxation time. Usually, this relaxation time,
, is
modeled to be energy dependent. In order to obtain the fluxes on the right
side of the governed flux equations directly, the weights for the derivation
are chosen as
(3.36) |
During the following derivation, several assumptions and simplifications are
sequentially introduced. The assumptions made throughout the derivation of
this transport model are as follows:
- Microscopic relaxation time approximation
- Time derivatives are neglected in the flux equations
- Product ansatz for the kinetic energy
- The tensor valued transport parameters are estimated by their traces
- Power-law approximation
for the microscopic relaxation time
- Parabolic band structure
- Linearized heated displaced Maxwellian distribution function for the closure relation
M. Wagner: Simulation of Thermoelectric Devices