- ...layers
Material layer, in this context, also includes local
material modifications such as implantation regions.
- ...layout
If additional technology parameters - sheet resistances, layer
thicknesses, etc. - are supplied.
- ...loop
Not shown in the picture are loops at equipment level used to adjust
equipment settings according to process step specifications. See
[SGHH91] for an example of an equipment-level process control system.
- ...dimensions
According to [Dav96], channel lengths are expected to
reach 3#3 by 2004, gate oxide thicknesses 2.5 nm.
See [Ass94] for a summary of expected trends and developments
in semiconductor technology.
- ...specifications
Traditionally, circuit design has been at the demanding side, while
process design strives for fulfilling these demands.
- ...parameters
A modification of the process sequence is opted for only very
reluctantly, as it introduces additional degrees of freedom;
existing process flows are used as long as possible.
- ...parameters
Calibration parameters are either explicitly provided by the
simulator, or they may be introduced artificially in a
pre-processing fashion.
- ...defined
In the sense of a combination of generic tool plus calibration.
- ...ranges
- So do, of course, the processing results after each
fabrication process steps. As these effects are, in the general
case, statistically uncorrelated, only the overall impact is of
- ...parameters
See [AAY126#12688] for the application of statistical methods to
VLSI design.
- ...method
See [HH83] for an introduction to Monte Carlo methods.
- ...sequences
In the sense that some implants are only applied to one type of
- ...profiles
As of now, no measurement techniques exist for determining the
two-dimensional distribution of dopants in the wafer material.
- ...used
See, for instance, [SC96] for a completely
unstructured alternative to polynomial modeling.
Initially, the PROMIS process simulator [HHW126#12690] [HPW91]
was capable of simulating fabrication process sequences including
ion implantation and diffusion processes. In order
to make different numerical and process-modeling related
components independent from each other and to foster the
modularization of the simulator, it has been divided into
a set of tools each modeling only a single fabrication
process [Sti93] [Puc96].
- ...costs
In terms of CPU time, disk space, network traffic, and user
- ...manually
I.e, manual setup of scripts for optimization, design of
experiments, etc.
- ...applications
External applications run as separate processes on the
operating system.
- ...gridders
VISTA/SFC uses external gridding tools to ensure data consistency
after simulation steps; see Section 4.3.
- ...callback
See Appendix B.
- ...fingertips
The level of task abstraction presently supported by the VISTA/SFC GUI
does not completely reflect all available functionality. Future work
is required to establish concepts for the representation of complex
TCAD tasks.
- ...processes
Processes also include daemons and servers that run completely
independent of the simulation environment, whereas executables are
started on behalf of it.
- ...clients
The distinction between client and server sometimes
cannot be clearly made. In the example of an optimizer, for
instance, it can be
regarded as a server that provides the optimization service and delivers
the optimum found, or as a client that requests evaluations
from the simulation environment.
- ...interface
See Section 8.3 for a description of the class of
Evaluable Entity (EVE) objects.
- ...VLISP
See [Tup96] for more information on the Vienna Base System
and the Vienna LISP Interpreter.
Appendix A gives a brief overview of the LISP
programming language and the XLISP and VLISP implementations.
- ...simulation
Note that the scope of this chapter does not include
device characterization or circuit simulation, although most of the concepts
and solutions presented can be extended to these domains.
- ...characterization
- In lieu of device characterization,
the term parameter extraction is often used.
- ...tools
Trivial as it sounds, this fact is not always present when process
simulation tools are being devised. Rumor has it that even at the most
prestigious institutions tool developers are sometimes baffled when
learning of the requirement for a tool to be able to understand its
own output.
- ...simulation
See Section 6.2.1 on how to avoid the potential
computational overhead arising from this abstraction.
- ...addressed
Geometry objects like points, lines, and faces are not represented
as separate objects, but are organized in lists.
E.g., a pointList object contains all points of a geometry,
a segmentList contains all segments. To access a single point
from a point list, an indexed reference is used.
- ...geometry
These inconsistencies are not a consequence of negligent behavior on
part of the tools in question, but necessary simplifications to
let tool developers focus on the core issues of the simulation task.
- ...segments
For a detailed analysis of grid-related tasks during merging see
- ...necessary
In a typical multi-tool process flow simulation scenario,
numerous calls to the gridding utility are made to reconcile tool
output with pre-existing data. We have found it to be extremely
helpful to differentiate between ``new'' data generated by a
simulator, and ``old'' data that already is the result of a re-gridding
- ...modules
PIF-tool developers can rely on powerful libraries that support
the internal handling of grids [Fas94].
- ...application
Using a standardized VLISP function pointer as interface
between the run controller and external tools keeps the interface as
flexible as possible, while still allowing for the automatic
generation of the function code from a more abstract tool
description to minimize manual coding efforts. As
VLISP does not differentiate between code and data, it is ideally
suited for code generation applications.
- ...NAME="990">
For the sake of clarity, the LISP representations of boolean data,
T and NIL, are mapped to a pair of strings, e.g.,
"on" - "off" or "yes" - "no".
- ...signature
In analogy with the terminology of many programming language, the
signature of a tool refers to the names, positions, and
respective ranges of its input parameters.
- ...types
In most cases, the data type can be derived from the default
- ...file
It is not required to
define an external tool before calling the STI. By default, an unknown
name is used as-is on the command line.
- ...call
VISTA/SFC is fully operational on both UNIX and VMS systems.
- ...(NFS)
As a matter of fact, NFS is based on RPC.
See [Ste90b] for a detailed introduction to UNIX network
- ...data
This might not cause trouble with sequential files;
for random access files, it is disastrous.
- ...given
Etch and deposition rates are again an abstraction
from the treatment of the wafer, e.g., a CVD or RIE process taking
place in a given piece of equipment.
- ...views
Equipment recipes, process steps, and process flows
contain a great deal of information, and many different kinds of users
generate or consume that information, including unit process
developers, facility operators, technicians, and managers, as well as
process flow and device developer [DCB93].
- ...parameters
As a matter of fact, uncertainties and ambiguities still
exist in terms of the executables invoked on the system level and their
respective versions. Two identical system calls on the same system
need not produce the same result, if, e.g., the search path (on UNIX)
or the definition of a symbol or logical (on VMS) get changed between
the calls. Furthermore, installing a new version of a tool may also
lead to changes in the results computed. Some of these pitfalls
may be circumvented by specifying complete path names,
checking the file modification time of executables invoked, etc.,
but such procedures are rather cumbersome and therefore not
- ...established
In many TCAD groups, only one dedicated simulation tool
exists for a given process step, rendering the tool selection stage
trivial. In general, though, a number of choices exist for each
process step.
- ...unchanged
This approach is also aimed at sharing process flow files
among several users, with each of them running different experiments
and performing different analyses without need to create private
versions of the complete file.
- ...SiO
Possible ambiguities in material names are resolved by a
material data base [Ins96b] that uses an inheritance-based
strategy to
identify material specifications.
- ...passing
Non-positional parameter passing
does not enforce a
strict order for passing parameter values, but allows each value to be
specified together with the parameter's name. A default value may be
specified for each parameter that is not required to be set explicitly.
- ...[#B0307##1#]
The editor supports different modes of operation, one
providing editing capabilities for layout data as well as for cut-line
and sub-domain definition.
- ...NAME="1544">
See Section 9.2 for an overview,
[Wol95b] for a concise treatment.
- ...processing
See Chapter 8 for more details.
- ...points
While a split point denotes the location the first
difference between two runs, a split branch represents the part of
a run that differs from its split parent.
- ...started
See Chapter 4 for more details.
- ...undisturbed
An invaluable advantage of subdividing numerical modules and
controlling instances into separate executables lies in the fact that
segmentation faults, floating point exceptions, and so forth, which
otherwise would have a detrimental effect on the framework, affect
only the tool they occur in.
- ...time-consuming
In terms of time spent by the user. CPU time, in general, is
available in plenty, although shortages occur during peak hours.
- ...development
A tendency exists with some companies to delegate some
of these aspects, e.g., the tool development part, to external
institutions, arguing that the expert status of such dedicated providers
increases the quality of the service rendered and decreases its
costs. Nevertheless, we feel that the close interaction between
technology and TCAD groups is of vital interest for both parties,
because it minimizes reaction time and fosters each side's insight
into the other one's needs and concerns.
- ...settings
- Variations of the device geometry by
changing lithography mask dimensions exert the most harmful influence
on the stability of the final simulation results as they induce
changes in the grids used by process and device simulation tools.
- ...values
Note that code modifications can be quickly applied to
the VISTA/SFC environment by loading appropriate LISP files. Being
read by the interpreter, such modifications have immediate effect;
there is no need to leave a session for this purpose.
- ...operation
A major complication in building graphical user interfaces
atop any application arises from the inherently parallel nature of
access through the GUI. Strict and rigorous state checking
is indispensable to ensure robust and reliable operation.
- ...possible
See [KGMB94] for a detailed account of import design aspects
of graphical user interfaces for CAD frameworks.
- ...chosen
As a matter of fact, the actual value of the colors used for
displaying states is specified in the user's X resource file, e.g.,
.Xresources. The environment uses names like "active" or
"busy" to modify the display state of visible objects. The
colors presented here have proven to convey most concisely the
intended meaning.
- ...tool
The actual program to invoke is determined by the user
as a configuration variable of the framework. Available plotting tools
on UNIX include gnuplot, xmgr, xpif1d, and a built-in
visualization module based on the SVG library
[Hal94]; additional plotting tools can be added to this list easily.
- ...xpif1d
Xpif1d is a one-dimensional visualization tool based on Sander's XgPlot [San92].
- ...accessible
One invaluable advantage of the
PIF data format lies in the random access it provides. Therefore,
names and types of all data items present in a PIF file can be
easily inquired. The handles returned may then be used for reading
the data at a later time.
- ...two-dimensional
Although the operation of the VISTA/SFC environment
is independent of the geometrical dimension of the simulation,
two-dimensional applications are the most common ones.
One-dimensional simulations of
modern VLSI technology cannot accurately enough model the complex
topological situation found in state-of-the-art devices,
simulations are still too slow and produce too much data to be
applied routinely in an automatic fashion.
- ...[#N0019##1#]
Other implementations exist apart from [FFS126#12691]. See
[WN91] [BHW91] for details.
The Semiconductor Wafer Representation (SWR) [SWR92a]
[SWR92b] offers an alternative that has not been used
too widely yet.
- ...step
A type specifier not only determines the data format of
a data item, but may also contain information on its meaning.
- ...domain
Agreement exists as to the meaning of the word itself in the
English language. In [AHD83], a task means a difficult or tedious
undertaking, [Web81] defines it as something hard or
unpleasant that has to be done.
- ...Simulation
Almost all process and device simulators expect
exact values as inputs and generate exact values as outputs,
in stark contrast with physical reality. See Section
2.1.8 for methodologies employed to represent nature's
fuzziness in the virtual world of TCAD.
- ...sequences
These fluctuations, in general, are far below the tolerances and
measurement limits of all factory settings and measurement
procedures. Nevertheless, as simulators produce exact
numbers, grid alterations or other numerical phenomena may introduce
artificial effects that lead to erroneous results.
- ...NAME="2042">
Experience shows that it is a good idea to refrain
from using case-sensitive names at all,
considering the difficulty in
communicating verbally the cases of letters.
As a matter of fact, the advantage of a greater number of available names
due to case-sensitivity is
more than compensated for by the increase in typing and reading
Within the TCAD world, only chemical formulas seem to
justify a case-sensitive interpretation of names.
Wherever a significant distinction between the cases of letters is
made, ambiguity and confusion arise.
Furthermore, I would go as far as to claim that significance
should only be
attributed to the sequence of letters and digits in a name,
disregarding their cases. In other words, two names should be
considered equal if they agree in the sequence of their constituting
letters and digits, skipping all other characters such as spaces,
dashes, underscores, etc. The VLISP functions name and
implement this philosophy.
- ...system
In principal, the inputs need not be explicitly dealt with but
could be modeled as additional system outputs. They appear here for
the sake of clarity only.
- ...update.
See [GMW95] for optimization techniques and algorithms.
- ...algorithm
The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm includes the minimization
task as well as the fit error calculation in Figure 8.12.
- ...program
Access to an external plot tool is again
encapsulated by an agent object; therefore, any number of different
programs can be easily integrated using the standardized agent interface.
- ...device
A transistor which can be sufficiently described by one-dimensional
- ...NAME="2581">
A concise treatment of short channel effects can be found in [Wol95b].
- ...NAME="2584">
The threshold voltage itself represents a rather elusive term,
as no universal agreement exists as to a single - physically motivated -
definition of such voltage. In this example, it is pragmatically
defined as the value of the gate voltage at a drain current of
1 nA.
- ...directly
Given the high degree of autonomy, robust operation, efficient disk
space usage, and automatic load balancing as provided by VISTA/SFC,
running an optimizer directly on the simulators is not an infeasible
task and avoids many drawbacks associated with derived models.
- ...operation
All parameter definition, experiment generation and management,
response-surface modeling, and optimization operations are also
supported by the GUI.
- ...sequence
Both the sequence
and parallel statements create objects
that provide basic control capabilities for executing a set of
asynchronous VLISP statements - user-defined or built-in -
sequentially or in parallel, respectively.
They liberate the user from explicitly taking care of connecting
the statements by means of callbacks. The sequence and
parallel statements can be arbitrarily nested.
- ...generated
Simulations are only started if no results exist in the run data
base for the given process flow and parameter settings.
- ...form
As opposed to solve problems that are hard-coded in
the program code and can only be altered by re-compilation.
- ...routines
The VLISP mechanisms to automatically interface with C or C++
code, making it available to the LISP user, seems to provide
a sound basis for translating to C or C++
much of the LISP-code presently used in VISTA/SFC.
- ...paradigm
As VLISP intrinsically supports multiple parallel processes
and contexts, the server need not necessarily be implemented
as a program separate from the framework.