This work has been supported by the following companies and institutions:
Austria Mikro Systeme, Unterpremstätten, Austria;
Christian Doppler Forschungsgesellschaft, Vienna, Austria;
Digital Equipment, Hudson, Massachusetts, USA;
Forschungsförderungsfond für die gewerbliche Wirtschaft,
projects 2/285 and 2/299, as part of ADEQUAT (JESSI project BT1B),
ESPRIT projects 7236 and 8002.
Hitachi Device Development Center, Tokyo, Japan;
Motorola APRDL, Austin, Texas, USA;
National Semiconductors, Santa Clara, California, USA;
Philips Research, Eindhoven, The Netherlands;
Siemens EZM, Villach, Austria;
Siemens, München, Germany;
Sony, Atsugi, Japan.
Anyone who leaves behind him anything in writing and likewise anyone who takes it over from him supposing that such writing will provide something reliable and permanent would be a fool.
Socrates, Phaedrus