Let us assume to be the two-dimensional simulation domain covered by a grid consisting of N grid points. We extend this planar grid into the third dimension so that represents the Voronoi box volume around point i (see Fig. 4.1-8). If the given simulation grid is appropriate for the box integration method, the relation (4.1-2) must hold.
Figure 4.1-8: Volume
discretization for the box integration method. The divergence operator is
calculated for the shaded area .
To discretize the diffusion equation for point i, we integrate (4.1-1) over the box volume to obtain (4.1-3).
By applying the Gauß theorem
which transforms a volume integral into a closed line integral, we get the discretized continuity equation for a given grid node i as given by (4.1-4), where the denotes the diffusion current, the diffusion flux across the box interface area in direction and is the distance between the grid point pair.
The flux is the projection and is assumed to be constant between the grid points ij. The sum can be seen as diffusion current balance in the integration box. The flux is now determined by the applied diffusion current model.