22.08.1971 | Born in Köln/Germany | |
1978-82 | Primary education in Bonn | |
1982-1991 | Secondary education at Aloisiuskolleg Bonn Bad Godesberg, 1991 Abitur | |
1991 | Enrolment in physics at the Rheinische Friedrichs Wilhelms University Bonn | |
4/1994 | Vordiplom in physics | |
1994 | Continued studies of physics at RWTH Aachen | |
1995 | Received scholarship by Cusanuswerk Bischöfliche Studienförderung | |
1996 | Research visit at Los Alamos National Laboratory | |
New Mexico/USA for Diplomarbeit | ||
1997 | Diplomarbeit at Fraunhofer Institute Laser Technology (ILT), Aachen | |
4/1997 | Vordiplom in economics | |
9/1997 | Graduation in physics from RWTH Aachen | |
10/1997 | Research position at German Aerospace laboratory, | |
-3/1998 | DLR, Stuttgart | |
4/1998 | Ernst von Siemens scholarship of Siemens Nachwuchsförderung | |
Enrolment at TU Wien, Institute for Microelectronics, | ||
Permanent guest researcher at Fraunhofer Institute of | ||
Applied Solid-State Physics (IAF) Freiburg | ||
1999 | Research visit at Beckman Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign/ | |
USA. | ||
2/2001 | Research engineer at Fraunhofer IAF | |
6/2001 | Marriage with Christine Krieger |