4.2 Analysis at 300 K

The main figure of merit of a two-drain MAGFET is its differential current related to the magnetic field it is sensing. The relative sensitivity is defined as

$\displaystyle S_r = \frac{\vert I_{D1}-I_{D2}\vert}{(I^0_{D1}+I^0_{D2})\vert\mathbf{B}\vert}$ (4.1)

where $ I_{D1}$ and $ I_{D2}$ are the currents at Drain 1 and Drain 2 when the magnetic field is applied, $ I^0_{D1}$ and $ I^0_{D2}$ when the magnetic field is not applied, and $ \mathbf{B}$ is the magnetic field.

Rodrigo Torres 2003-03-26