Looking back from now, writing this thesis and finishing my PhD studies was hard, challenging, frustrating, motivating, exhausting, enlightening, demanding, educative, ... In short, I had a really intense couple of months. Now, that this time has come to an end, I would like to take the opportunity to say some personal words.
First and foremost, I offer my sincerest gratitude to my supervisor Prof. Siegfried Selberherr for giving me the opportunity to join the Institute for Microelectronics as well as supporting me all the way through my time there. He not only provided knowledge and wisdom where it was needed but also gave me freedom to find my way in academia. Prof. Selberherr taught me to always look at the big picture instead of getting lost in details. I learned a lot from his advice, and the quality of my scientific work would not be at this level without him. Thank you a lot!
I want to thank Prof. Helmut Pottmann, who gave me mathematical and geometrical advice to increase the quality of this work. I am also grateful for his invitations to the Vienna geometry society where I got the opportunity to visit interesting and educative talks.
I am also thankful to the Institute for Microelectronics, especially Prof. Erasmus Langer and Prof. Tibor Grasser, for providing a calm, friendly, and productive work environment.
The next few words are dedicated to my very good friend and mentor Karl Karli Rupp. After finishing my masters degree in 2012, he introduced me to Prof. Selberherr who then became my supervisor. Later, when I had to choose the topic of my dissertation, Karli encouraged me to take the more risky but also more interesting topic, which was ultimately the right choice. Karli always was there for me and gave me good advice, for academic as well as personal matters. For these and all the unmentioned support I am more than grateful.
I also thank my colleague Josef Weinbub for his support in the last four years. We had very interesting and enlightening scientific discussions which helped me shaping my academic work. I especially want to thank him for his technical but also linguistic feedback which increased the quality of my scientific publications. His motivating and pushing phrases, especially during the work on my PhD thesis, helped me to keep on going and not to lose hope. Thank you!
This list is not complete without thanking Andreas Ivan Morhammer for being a supportive colleague, especially when I had mathematical issues with my scientific work. The theoretical and mathematical discussions with Andreas helped me to develop a solid theoretical basis for this work. Thank you!
Finally, I would also like to thank all the people close to me for trusting and believing in me, emotionally and personally supporting me, guiding me, being the family and friends that I needed, and much, much more. Thank you, Maria, Hansi, Alex, Mäx, Klaus, little Veronika, Josipa, big Veronika, David, Karini, Bertl, Rafeala (for five and a half beautiful years) and all the girls and guys from the A-Team.