Both objects have a rotational symmetry order of . On the left, the object geometry is visualized. In the middle, templates for the classical templated approach with one slice are shown. On the right, the small angle optimization (SAO) templates are given with one slice and the middle part which is a regular -polygon or regular -prism. The templates are visualized in different colors. |
The top row and middle row visualizes benchmark results for different cell count values for the TS and SAO approach, respectively. The dashed black lines indicate the expected runtime and memory savings of the different rotational symmetry orders , and . Benchmark results for different rotational symmetry orders are visualized in the bottom row. Only meshes with a minimal cell count of are considered for the rotational symmetry plots. |
A selection of smallest angle quality histograms of meshes of -polygons. The histogram bins are given in log scale for better visualization of the bad quality bins. The quality histograms of the conventionally generated meshes are visualized in the left column. The quality histogram of the structure instance of the TS is given in the middle column. The right column shows quality histograms of the SAO approach. Bins colored in red indicate cells with quality worse than the configured value. The smallest angle quality value constraint is visualized using the black vertical line. The smallest angle of the TS approach structure instance of every presented benchmark does not fulfill the configured values as indicated by the red histogram bins. Additionally, the mesh quality of the structure instances of the SAO approach is even better then the quality of the corresponding conventionally generated mesh as indicated by a slightly higher dominance of larger smallest angles in the quality histograms of the SAO approach. |
All meshes have been generated with a requested cell size of and a smallest angle of . Elements near the center of (top right picture) have a smallest angle which violates the smallest angle constraint. The conventionally generated mesh (top left picture) and the SAO approach (bottom left picture) both fulfill the requested element quality. |
The top row and middle row visualizes benchmark results for different cell count values for the template slice and small angle optimization approach, respectively. The dashed black lines indicate the expected runtime speedups and memory savings of the different rotational symmetry orders , and . Benchmark results for different rotational symmetry orders are visualized in the bottom row. Only meshes with a minimal cell count of are considered for the rotational symmetry plots. |
florian 2016-11-21