October ![]() |
Born in Vienna, Austria |
May 1988 | High School Graduation at the |
BRG Mödling (with honors) | |
September 1988 | Enrolled in Electrical Engineering |
at the TU Vienna | |
January 1992 | Passed 1. Diplomprüfung at the |
TU Vienna (with honors) | |
March 1996 | Received degree of ``Diplomingenieur'' |
in Communications Engineering from the | |
TU Vienna (with honors) | |
June 1996 - January 1997 | Research Position at the Institute for |
General Electrical Engineering, TU Vienna | |
February 1997 | Entered doctoral program at the |
Institute for Microelectronics, TU Vienna | |
June 1998 - August 1998 | Visiting Researcher at the Advanced Products |
Development Laboratory, Motorola, Austin/Texas | |
June 1999 - July 1999 | Visiting Researcher at the Portland Technology |
Development Group, Intel, Hillsboro/Oregon |