The long simulation times required for the thorough calculation of the distribution function using the Monte Carlo method make the presented hot-carrier degradation model unsuitable for a wide spread industrial use. To overcome this problem, it is investigated in this work how to estimate the acceleration integral within the drift-diffusion framework. The absence of the distribution function makes only two basic approaches feasible. First, the distribution function can be approximated so that the integrals in equations (6.25) and (6.26) can be evaluated. Or second, a fitting formula for the acceleration integral has to be found. It is expected, that the disadvantages of such estimations, especially the reduced accuracy, can be partly compensated by the enormous performance gain which is achieved by omitting the Monte Carlo simulations. Another positive side effect of the short simulation time is the possibility to evaluate the acceleration integral at each time step. This means that the rate equations can be solved for every stress time step. Therefore self-consistent degradation simulations can be performed.
The two concepts have been implemented and used in MINIMOS-NT. The implementation is based on the formulation in (6.50) and is solved self-consistently in the drift-diffusion framework. The occupation of created interface traps is modeled according to the Shockley-Read-Hall formalism, including the contributions to the Poisson and the continuity equation.
In the following, the simulations are based on the
µm device
depicted in Fig. 6.5. This device was chosen because it is the
only one of the devices analyzed in Section 6.3.2 where
the electron contribution is sufficient for the degradation modeling (compare
Fig. 6.6). Therefore, the effect of holes can be neglected. This
limitation is important, because in the drift-diffusion scheme the carrier energy, and
hence, the carrier distribution function can only be evaluated from the
electric field. Therefore, in this paradigm it is impossible to distinguish
between the individual carrier energies, and hence, to separate trap creation
processes. To summarize, the hole contributions would introduce additional
obstacles regarding the non-locality of the electric field, impact-ionization, and hole
energy which could not be reproduced in the drift-diffusion model as required.
Where applicable, the parameters have been chosen equally to the results which were calibrated within the Monte Carlo approach. The mobility degradation model in (4.13) is used to contribute to the interface charge scattering.
For the evaluation of the acceleration integral, first an approximation for the
distribution function has to be defined. Possibilities for this have been shown
in Section 4.3.2. The formulation by Grasser in
(4.28) gives the best results and is, therefore, used for the
investigations in this work. The parameter
is always evaluated
using (4.29). However, the parameter
was either
evaluated using (4.31), or, as has been discussed in Section 4.3.2,
is set to
Both variants are used
in the following. The acceleration integral for electrons is computed using
(6.25) and (6.26). The calibrated reference curve based on
the Monte Carlo results is calculated using
eV. For the estimations in
this section, however, different attempts with different threshold energies
have been applied.
The results are summarized in Fig. 6.9. The reference data clearly
show a peak of the acceleration integral at the drain edge of the gate at
1 µm. Both approximations, which use either a constant or
non-constant value for
result in a peak at the very same position.
However, a second peak is also pronounced. In some constellations shown, this
second peak is even more prominent. It is shifted towards the channel and is
visible at the position of approximately 0.9 µm, which is near the
pn-junction. This peculiarity can be explained by the interplay between the
electric field and the electron concentration along the channel. In this model,
both quantities influence the acceleration integral. The electric field
explicitly defines the carrier distribution function, while the concentration
enters via the normalization condition. Roughly speaking, the acceleration
integral behavior can be explained by the product of the electric field and the
concentration. Both quantities have extreme values at the end of the gate,
whereas the electric field has a maximum and the carrier concentration a
minimum. Here is the position of the first maximum. Towards the channel, the
electric field decreases and the carrier concentration increase. This
combination leads to the second maximum. By comparing the different approaches
in Fig. 6.9, one can see that the curve in
Fig. 6.9(d) is the only one that suppresses this second
peak. This simulation uses the constant exponent
and a threshold energy
of 1.5 eV. Hence, this combination is selected to be used in the following.
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The propagation of the interface trap creation over degradation time can be
seen in Fig. 6.10(a). The flat area left to the main peak in
the acceleration integral clearly maps to the flattened area in the
profile. The constantly increasing interface trap density in the range from
approximately 0.7 to 0.9 µm is caused by the MP process.
The final degradation of the drain current using this approximation is shown in Fig. 6.11. It can be seen that the overall linear drain current change vs. time within the measurement window can be represented. However, the additional plateau in the peak area of the acceleration integral leads to an additional bending in the drain current degradation curve between 100 and 1000 s.
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As shown above, the attempt to evaluate the acceleration integral based on
artificially created distribution functions does not give satisfying
results. Therefore, an empirical approach is proposed, which employs the
carrier temperature. The acceleration integral of the SP process is driven by
high-energy carriers. It is therefore linked to the electron temperature
and the empirical formula is used
![]() |
The propagation of the interface trap creation over degradation time can be seen in Fig. 6.10(b). The comparison to the reference simulations shows a perfect agreement near the drain side on which the SP process dominates. However, in those channel areas in which the MP process dominates, the trap creation differs in the amplitude. This is caused by the assumptions that were made to obtain the closed solution in (6.38), which is used by the Monte Carlo model. The current carrier temperature based model solves equation (6.50) numerically. However, since the contributions of the MP process are relatively low, this difference does not influence the overall drain current degradation which is depicted in Fig. 6.11. In the range of available measurement data, the figure shows that this approximation of the acceleration integral gives a very good agreement in comparison to the measurement and Monte Carlo reference data. Unfortunately, no long term measurements are available for the device under test to observe the influence with an increasing MP contribution.
The main problem of this approach is that a fitting, as it is required for this model, is not universal. Despite the good agreement shown, the results are only of limited validity. This means that if the stress or operating conditions are changed, another fit based on the new conditions has to be done.
Using the drift-diffusion approach, the acceleration integral can be estimated at least two orders of magnitude faster than using the Monte Carlo method. Therefore, the acceleration integral can be evaluated at every simulation step. Hence, it is possible to directly evaluate the rate equations (6.43) to (6.45) self-consistently. An arbitrarily shaped time dependent stress condition can, therefore, be simulated in short simulation times, as long as the model is used in a correctly fitted range.
The results obtained look very promising. Especially the carrier temperature based model in Section 6.4.2 shows a very good agreement in comparison with the time consuming Monte Carlo simulations. However, the model shows some limitations. These shortcomings can be summarized in the following points:
All those obstacles can be found either in the limitations of the drift-diffusion model or in the high number of fitting parameters required. The latter one is a consequence of the partly empirical assumptions made in this originally physics-based model. It is questionable if all those problems can either be solved or circumvented to become good predictive results using this model. However, if this can be accomplished, either generally or for specific applications, one can benefit from the enormous performance gain that can be achieved in comparison to the Monte Carlo approach.