Some symbolicNames are predefined for system libraries specified in the configuration. These symbolicNames are shown in Table 5.2. This allows to use system specific libraries in a configuration independent manner due to the concept of symbolicNames. The key name is used in the definition of the linker command (see Table E.10).
Tabelle 5.2: Predefined symbolicNames for system libraries
The symbolicName is always available for standard system libraries but might be defined as an empty expansion if not required for the specific configuration. This allows to use any of these predefined symbolicNames as libraries for program generation without creating an undefined symbolicName error in VMake, e.g., for VMS no mathematical library is required. For the libraries for X11 Window System the symbols are only defined if the corresponding entry in the configuration exists. In this case checking one of the symbolicNames in a conditional expression returns false if the expansion value is unknown.