The documentation to generate a reference manual is automatically extracted from the source code. The comments already used by TAC for the function binding are used to form reference manual entries. Additional hand written documentation atoms are also included into the reference manual. An additional user manual can be generated from predefined documentation atoms and isotopes which are associated to atoms. All documentation is written and generated in LaTeX[Lam94, Sow94] which provides high quality formatted documentation in a device independent manner. The pictures created by the simple public domain drawing program XFIG[Bec91] are automatically converted to PostScript for file inclusion. Screen dumps of the graphical user interface and other PostScript pictures are included as Encapsulated PostScript Files. The device independent LaTeX output file is converted to PostScript[Inc85, Inc86] for printing.
The LaTeX source file can be converted to HTML using public domain programs[Dra93, Dra94]. This allows to browse through the documentation interactively using ``World Wide Web'' (WWW) browsers[Vet94, Kno95, Not95].