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Reference Entries

The category listing atom ``catlist.tex'' is automatically generated from all documented functions, macros, variables and constants. All entries are alphabetically sorted by section and language. Sections are defined by the Docu-Section.

The key title is the title string of the section defined by key section.

The key default can be used to make this section the default for all reference entries in this directory subtree. This section is used if no section key is used in the documentation comments (see Section 6.2.1). All reference documentation is sorted alphabetically within one section for each target language. All sections are alphabetically sorted within the manual.

Each reference documentation entry in a section is created directly from the documentation in the source files. An example for a documented function is shown in Figure 6.17 extracted from the GridAttributeSupport library project. The generated documentation is shown in Figure 6.18.

Abbildung 6.17: Example of documented C function

Abbildung 6.18: TAC created reference manual entry

Documentation for macros, variables and constants is created in a similar manner. Enumeration values are combined together under their type definition. This makes it easier to find all values of an enumeration. Bit mask values combined with the documentation key element are grouped under their element name for the same reason.

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Fri Jan 3 17:00:13 MET 1997