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4.1.2 Substrate Orientation (001)

For cubic semiconductors the Miller indices of a plane $ (hk\ell)$ are also the coordinates of the normal vector of this plane. For substrate orientation (001) the coordinate system in which the $ z$ axis is normal to the substrate surface coincides with the crystallographic system (see Figure 4.2a). Thus, no coordinate transformation needs to be involved and $ \nu_{ij}={\nu_{ij}}'$.

The quantization masses of the three different valleys $ v$ are $ m^v_\perp=1/\nu_{33}^v$. By comparison with (4.18) the quantization masses can be determined, yielding $ m^{(1,2)}_\perp = \ensuremath{m_\mathrm{t}}$ for valleys labeled $ 1$ and $ 2$ in Figure 4.2a and $ m^{(3)}_\perp=\ensuremath{m_\mathrm{l}}$ for the valley pair with the label $ 3$. Since $ \ensuremath{m_\mathrm{l}}>\ensuremath{m_\mathrm{t}}$, the two valleys with the large quantization mass $ m^{(3)}_\perp=\ensuremath{m_\mathrm{l}}$ belong to the lowest (unprimed) subband ladder, whereas the four valleys with $ m_\perp=\ensuremath{m_\mathrm{t}}$ constitute the primed subband ladder. The transport masses $ m_{\shortparallel ,1}$ and $ m_{\shortparallel ,2}$ for the three valleys can be found from (4.17). Since the matrix $ \ensuremath{{\underaccent{\bar}{M}}}^v$ contains only diagonal entries, $ M^v_{11} = \nu^v_{11}$ and $ M^v_{22} = \nu^v_{22}$, the transport masses are easily obtained from (4.18), $ m^v_{\shortparallel,1}=1/\nu^v_{11}$, and $ m^v_{\shortparallel,2}=1/\nu^v_{22}$.

Figure 4.2: (a) Alignment of constant-energy surfaces of the Si conduction band with respect to the substrate surface (001). (b) Projection of constant-energy surfaces onto the (001) plane. Concentric spheres indicate the twofold degeneracy of the unprimed ladder. Constant-energy lines belonging to the primed ladder (filled in dark grey) have elliptic shape.
         [a]\includegraphics[scale=1.0]{inkscape/Cut001_2.eps} [b]\includegraphics[scale=1.5]{inkscape/projectionOr001.eps}

For transport calculations not only the transport masses of a particular subband ladder are essential, but also the direction of the principal axes of the constant-energy ellipse with respect to the crystallographic axes of the wafer. In Figure 4.2b the projection of the constant-energy surfaces onto the substrate with orientation (001) is shown. The projection yields two subband ladders with spherical constant-energy lines (unprimed ladders) and four subbands with elliptic constant-energy lines (primed ladders). However, the transport properties of the four primed subband ladders are in general not equivalent since two of them are aligned along the [100] direction, whereas the other two are aligned along the [010] direction. Also, the principal axes of the constant-energy ellipsoids are interchanged.

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E. Ungersboeck: Advanced Modelling Aspects of Modern Strained CMOS Technology